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  1. G

    External Ram?

    I want it to make ridiculous LUTs for everything :P
  2. G

    Unreal Tournament?

    Maybe Epic could be convinced to release the source to a dev team as the engine is so old now. Maybe.
  3. G

    Os Wars

    I don't understand what you mean by that?
  4. G

    A New Logo Mock Up That I Did :)

    Maybe the actual logo on the Pandora could come with a built in laser so you could blind people who are holding PSPs
  5. G

    OS Wars

  6. G

    Jpc - Java Linux & Arm Optimized Dos Emulator

    I use Java as part of Processing and that is only because Processing is a layer over Java that allows me to quickly prototype audio/visual experiments/projects and embed them in webpages (and run them on any platform as apps), and it works great to that end. I do all of my other programming in...
  7. G

    Official Pandora Faq

    Looks good, dunno if it will stop people making threads asking if the pandora will emulate X, Y or Z system though. I'll add some stuff to the FAQ if I get time tomorrow though :) It'd be good if when people go to make a new thread if it had some text and a link that said "have you read the FAQ?"
  8. G

    Our New Machine, Pandora

  9. G

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    I wonder how many Squidge-hours those 365 posts took?
  10. G

    Quake 1/2/3 Sdk

    What will people use to make calls? :P (also, if you're gonna throw away iPhones, send them to me :P)
  11. G

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    Dang, only 50 (now to be 51) Still though, same number as CraigIX :P
  12. G

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    I may be being an idiot, but where do you find out how many posts in a thread are yours?
  13. G

    New Blog On Open Pandora

    DownloadHelper FTW!
  14. G

    Happy Birthday!

    Also by request, Happy Birthday Orkie!
  15. G

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    Stop trying to stop people reviving it but thereby reviving it in the process of stopping people reviving it :P
  16. G

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    It's true about the good discussions. Maybe not the heated QWERTY vs DVORAK debate though, eh? ;)
  17. G

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    I would genuinely be sad if this thread died. It's not hurting anyone, and it's more offtopic than offtopic!
  18. G

    Music Creation On Pandora

    I should imagine that Little GP Tracker will be ported.
  19. G

    The Rabbit Joint

    Ahh... Guinness. Good stuff.