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  1. G

    Czdoom - Enhanced Prboom Port

    Hey, I've been working on a port of Prboom that I have optimised to play better on handheld devices. The biggest change is in the way that the controls work. I created new functionality for the weapon switch button, allowing you to cycle through the weapons with the D-Pad. I have also changed...
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    Shadow Warrior For Dingux

    Hey, I have just completed a quick port of Shadow Warrior to Dingux. Sound is not currently working (can anyone help with this?), but I will hopefully make some progress with it soon. Here is a link to the binary http://dl.openhandhe...i?0,0,0,0,3,161 and the source...
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    Shadow Warrior For Dingux

    Hey, I have just completed a quick port of Shadow Warrior to Dingux. Sound is not currently working (can anyone help with this?), but I will hopefully make some progress with it soon. Here is a link to the binary,0,0,0,3,161 and the source...
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    Caanoo / WIZ Firmware For Wiz Mk0 Prototype

    Thanks, but I already tried that one- it erases the nand, copies (what I presume to be) the kernel onto it, then tries to start the kernel and hangs there. Would it be copying uimage or uimageup onto there? I would imagine I'd need a pre-1.0.0 version?
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    Caanoo / WIZ Firmware For Wiz Mk0 Prototype

    Hi, I got given an old wiz (one with 2 dpads). It was bricked when I received it and I can't seem to find a firmware that will restore it back to life. Every kernel that I have tried (including ones that I have custom built) hang at "Starting Kernel..." If anyone can provide a firmware update...
  6. G


    It's not just that, you'd have to emulate all of the custom hardware on the pollux too. The iPhone simulator is not an emulator- all code in the simulator is compiled for x86 afaik.
  7. G

    Caanoo / WIZ Wiz Prototype Ext Pinout

    I have a MK0 - I wired RX and TX to the pins you gave in the other thread, but I don't seem to be getting any serial output, just constant voltages. Also, the pins that you said gave 3.3V seem to give nothing at all... On the guy called Andy seemed to have got his serial connection...
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    Caanoo / WIZ Wiz Prototype Ext Pinout

    Does the MK0 have different pins for RX and TX? I can't seem to get anything out of the serial connection (just constant 3v for RX and 5v for TX)
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    Caanoo / WIZ Wiz Prototype Ext Pinout

    Yeah, that pinout seems to work on my MK0. It would be nice to find out which are the JTAG pins though :)
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    Caanoo / WIZ Wiz Prototype Ext Pinout

    Hi, I have aquired one of the Wiz prototypes with the 2 dpads, but I have been led to believe that the pinout for the EXT connector is different. If anyone has it, that would be great, since I need to build a cable to charge it etc. Thanks.
  11. G

    2D Acceleration Using Pollux Gpu?

    As far as I can tell, it isn't even really "tile hardware" per se, it is just a convinient way of addressing tiles within a texture (i.e. it treats each tile as being one pixel within the texture, making it easier to select the right tile with UV coordinates). I will have a play around when I...
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    Libcastor Missing Png.h

    lc_screensize(320, 240); ???
  13. G

    Kernel And U-Boot Source

    Also, you know the secret handshake :ph34r:
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    Kernel And U-Boot Source

    Nice work
  15. G

    Replacment Screen ?

    The pollux has the ability to display higher resolutions (up to 2048x2048 I think) but to be honest, I wouldn't bother thinking about attaching other screens. If anything, I'd connect a PS1 style screen to the TV out and make a frame for it if a digital photo frame is what you wanted, but why...
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    Libcastor 0.1

    Cool. Going to set up an SVN for it soon?
  17. G

    What Do You Think The Pandora Should Feature First?

    I agree- I think the GUI/base system is of utmost importance. I don't think that a major firmware update later on would be a good idea. Also, don't underestimate the 'wow' factor of a nice looking GUI. It will make the product seem more 'advanced' I think.
  18. G

    Crazy Idea

    Surely it'd be much easier to just port the apps to x86 than to emulate the entire operating system?