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  1. B

    Can Pandora replace my iPod Touch?

    Yeah, it's easy to get SSH working on the touch - it was just an option in the program I used to jailbreak it. I turned SSH off though - it's handy at times but seems a bit much for an ipod! Not sure about using that to manage the music on the ipod though. But there are a load of linux ipod...
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    Release PCB See

    I was wondering that too. I guess it's supported directly underneath the white circles where most of the pressure will be. And maybe underneath/around the SD slots?
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    Good luck to everyone for getting this sorted. One positive thing - that's quite a large whack of profit Paypal isn't getting any more!
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    When Does the wiz start shipping still says they start shipping today. Probably time for an update!
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    Using Mobile internet

    Another option is to use a USB cable to a phone. Not ideal, particularly when bluetooth is available, but that's how I've been using my UK T-mobile k800i with my Asus eee. I'm hoping to manage something similar with bluetooth on the Pandora. That'll be pretty easy as long as the hardware...
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    Are there any high resolution pics of the MK1 device?

    A Mk1 device hasn't been fully built yet. Craig has been saying that the first ones will be built and showable around the 12th of this month.
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    I Just Bought A Blu, I Thought I Was Good To Go, But Not I Think I&#39

    So does it not let you go into the 'game' menu? My memory of free launcher is very hazy, and my memory of how the gp32 was before that was installed is even worse! But assuming you manage to get the free launcher sorted out, the firmware flashing part is easy. You do it by copying a few files...
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    How Many People Are Really Committed To Buy?

    I don't think the 3000 will sell out as quickly as many people seem to think. But I do wonder how well Craig's web server will hold up around lunch time tomorrow!
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    I don't think there have been many newsletters lately. There was one on the 16th . If you were signed up before then it might be worth checking your junk mail. Mine arrived at gmail OK.
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    Dual D-pad On Wiz?
  11. B

    Blog Update! Amiga Emulator Video

    There's already lots of talk about that in the news section in this thread:
  12. B

    Soc Is Not Insgrtgd Or No Gaog Exists!

    Yeah, that's the conclusion I was wondering about ending up with. Cheers.
  13. B

    Soc Is Not Insgrtgd Or No Gaog Exists!

    Thanks. That got me a little further - I can now get into the gpmm (well, gpoo) directory in 'Pacroo', and it will let me try to run .fxe (.fxg, you get the story...) files, but then it hangs. Ah well, my gp2x still seems fine!
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    Soc Is Not Insgrtgd Or No Gaog Exists!

    Hi All, I just felt like digging my old FLU out for a play, but it seems to have gone strange. It has one of the multi firmwares on it. Both Pacrom and GP FW157e++ seem to be showing incorrect characters. So I get the error in the thread title when I try to use the standard firmware, and...
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    [gpsp] Exophase Has Done It Again! Incredible!

    It means he has improved the existing one. At first, it will have been written just to get the job done, but not necessarily with performance in mind. Now that the concept has been proved, the focus has moved on to making it work as efficiently as possible by rewriting chunks of the code.
  16. B

    Save States In Cps2?

    Sounds like a sync problem to me. Do you launch it with a script? If so, add a sync command (just a line with 'sync' on it' after the line that launches the emulator). That'll make it commit the changes to the card after you exit. That's my guess anyway - I've not looked at cps2 stuff...
  17. B

    Gpsp2x Goes Public With V9008!

    So I 'should' have installed 2.1.0? It's alread confused me because it's clearly a different FW, and it reports itself as 2.1.1, but the splash screen still says 2.0.0 (I did run the GPU). I've no idea what that means I now have or what I'm meant to do to get it right. I'd been assuming the...
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    Gpsp2x Goes Public With V9008!

    Well, I've just upgraded to 2.1.1 and the sound is the same. I've tried it at speeds between 200 and 260 Mhz. And now I'm getting occasional 'bad jump's, which I've never seen before.
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    Gpsp2x Goes Public With V9008!

    That's an interesting question to see you ask, as I've been wondering if the sound isn't as good for me as others have been reporting. Some things are fine, but the US version of Sonic 2 sounds bad, and I know that's one you test with. I'm on firmware 2.0 by the way - just charging my...
  20. B

    A Quick Question About Gpsp2x (gba Emulator)

    Check back to the thread you downloaded it from - there's another release already!