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    Where Are You From?

    Mexico City =)
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    Problems With Metal Slug 3 Freezing On The First Level.

    I get it running at any speed, but particularly on 3 if I disable sound it just hangs when you arriva to teh place where the first "crab ship" is obstructing your way. So I guess you do need sound enabled for MGS3, since this has been present for me since version 11.
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    GP2X Does The Atexit() Function Work On The Gp2x?

    Try using printf in the clean up function(s), and check either by a telnet session or redirecting the output to a file if everything is working as you expect it to.
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    Msx Emulator

    After our last exchange and the modifications I did to the source to get Snatcher running, I was interested in giving it a try.. but first I went to the boards at and checked with the original guys that ported the sdl version to the GP2x as a demo of what could be done...
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    Game Collections

    I agree. I love that when someone comes over to my house. They ask "DO yo have X game, I played that when I was younger..." And when you do, and allow them to play it on teh original console (with amodern setup) they get all nostalgic. that is worth it. I believe Nostalgia, our own and causing...
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    Msx Emulator And Snatcher

    Just in case you've never the ran trasnlated version of Snatcher, you first need to boot from floppy 0, then press '0' (L+B in this case) and it will ask for Disk 1. Then you have to select the disk 1 image (L+Vol- until you find it) and '0' again. That will get you game booted.
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    Msx Emulator And Snatcher

    It can support them, it would be a matter of working on it. I'd advise to cerate a specific script for this. the contents should be: Save that to Snatcher.gpe and you should be set This assumes that the dsk files are unzipped and on the same folder. If you have them on a different folder...
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    Msx Emulator And Snatcher

    I don't believe the emulator is buggy.. it is simply "bare bones" (without features) Anyway, you got my curiosity working... teh file that I uploaded (it has been updated just now) does run Snatcher... it is a bit tricky though, since keyboard input is not really implemented. I made a quick...
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    Msx Emulator And Snatcher

    Ok, firt of all you need to press Y on selector to chaneg teh command line to the one that has the -diska option and then you need to select the snatche0.dsk disk file. The problem is that it doesn't run correctly, since the default settings do not allocate enough RAM for this game to run. I...
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    3do Interactive Multiplayer

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    Msx Emulator And Snatcher

    You need to define a disk image, and not only that. You need to set up the emulated machine to have enough ram to run the translated version. I had to modify the PSP fMSX emulator to run our translation back in the day.. might give it a look later if it doesn't boot right away. No promises...
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    Gngeo2x 0.6.12

    No, it never worked that way for me.
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    Gngeo2x 0.6.12

    For Metal Slug 3 try getting the dump again, and verify it matches before redumping it. Mine is working perfectly with the dump I made for v 12.
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    Gngeo2x 0.6.12

    Greta update! It works great, and the speed is incredible. I can even play some games at 22khz at very decent frame rates! Congratulations. There is one issue though.. Tv Out is not working correctly:
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    Game Collections

    Great collection! I envy your vectrex... Here is my console collection: * Sega o Sega Master System o Sega Master System II o Sega Genesis (Model 1) o Sega Genesis (Model 2) o Game Gear o Sega CD (Model 1) o Sega CD...
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    Dosfsck Compiled For The Gp2x And A "wrapper" Of Stdout/stde

    For those messed filesystems and for those who want to run commands and view the results without telneting or saving to file, here are two small releases that I found useful. (Please excuse the poor quality of the cellphone pic) The first is your standard dosfsck to check the filesystem of...
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    New Kind Of Sd Problem?

    How do you know teh GP2x doesn't recognize it as 4GB? via telnet and a df? if so, try making teh filesystem with mkfs on the gp2x directly, it worked for me. My problem was that although teh pc formatted it as 2gb, it always showed as 1 gb full even just after doing so, no matter what tool I...
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    GP2X Development Tools

    Vi rules! I use the same IDE ^^ Although I am using oppo's toolchain. I'll try devkitGP2x again and see how I feel with it. I believe that the options are not well documented anywhere, we could update teh wi,ki if enough information is gathered.
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    Fstream Not Working Correctly

    I believe you just need to sync the filesystem after you finish, try not abusing the command: sync(); the include you need is in: #include <unistd.h>
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    4gb Sd Card - Formatting Problem

    I had a very similar problem, but with a 2gb card. No matter what I used on windows to format it, I always got a 1GB only. What I did was telent over to the GP2X and use mkfs to create the filesystem. That solved my problem. mkfs -t msdos /dev/mmcsd/disc0/part1