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  1. C

    Mame Gp2x Doesn't List All Roms In The Roms Folder

    Hmm, each rom in the archiv has the right name and the right size, i can't see where the problem lies. :blink: QUOTE In the file archieve you can download the newer version of mame 5.1 emulator it suppose to play more games than previous version. Yes, i've already downloaded it, and i've...
  2. C

    Mame Gp2x Doesn't List All Roms In The Roms Folder

    Exactly, e.g. 'MOON WALKER' ( or 'MOON WALKER bootleg' ( with mame_gp2x v5.0.
  3. C

    Annoying Lines In Squidge Snes And Pocket Snes.

    You are absolutely right, this 'wobbly lines' exist. They're especially noticeable when the screen moves vertically, e.g. with PINBALL DREAMS, PINBALL FANSTASIES, etc. and have nothing to do with MK1 or MK2. There is no setting to eliminate this issue, this is a 'bug' in Squidge- and also in...
  4. C

    Mame Gp32 Sound Is Too Low

    I cannot blame you for that. ;) QUOTE I've done some work on the GP2X version again in the meantime - which I must admit is much nicer to work with! Hooray for Linux! Yep - it seems, the GP2X-version is easier to handle. QUOTE I'll get back to the GP32 and release something soon-ish...
  5. C

    Mame Gp32 Sound Is Too Low

    Hey slaanesh, i'm curious to know the current status of MAME_GP32, is there a beta-version that we could try out the new features ? Regards Gerald
  6. C

    Gp2x Mutates Into Battery Eating Monstrosity

    That sounds interesting, do you know the type designation of that component (on the board) ?
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    Gp2x Mutates Into Battery Eating Monstrosity

    I'm having the same problem, my rechargeables also become hot after a while of using my '2X (MK1 , no first edition). And the rechargeables don't like heat, maybe that would explain the loss of charge. I guess, the uptake of current is just too high. The cpu-core voltage in my '2X is 2.03v (to...
  8. C

    Uae4all Gp2x 0.7.2

    Too bad, GREAT GIANA SISTERS (Red-Sector Crack) and GLOBAL GLADIATORS (the Version without Crackintro) still hang up the '2X. In several PAL games the bottom of the screen is cut off, so you can't see e.g. the lowest gem row in GEM-X or the stakes in STRIP-POKER II. Is it - perhaps - possible...
  9. C

    Which One Do You Like Better?

    I own a BLU+, and no, the screen isn't brighter. Normally not - but you can (as i did) modify the electric (i.e. a resistor), and after that it is almost so bright as the 2X - screen, with much less contrast though. I also powered up the cpu a little bit, i can switch over the cpu-core voltage...
  10. C

    Uae4all Gp2x 0.7.2

    Great job, notaz (GnoStic and Critical) - Your work is highly appreciated. The AMIGA-Emu is definitely one of my favorites on the GP2X. Is it even possible to fix the problem with the wrong colours (black graphics) problem in PINBALL DREAMS (or also in TRAPS'N'TREASURES) ? This issue exists...
  11. C

    Mame Gp2x 4.6

    Welcome back, slaanesh - I'm pretty sure you know MY answer to this question. :lol: And you are damn right. ;) Though i love the GP2X-Version too (thanks so much Franxis for your hard work). However not that bloody joystick !
  12. C

    Saves mit ScummVM?

    Soviel ich weiß kannst Du bei den LUCAS-ARTS Games keine Spielstände abspeichern wann Du es willst (jedenfalls nicht in der ScummVM - Version), das klappt nur via der AUTO-SAVE Funktion (das heißt, das der Spielstand irgendwann mitten im Spiel automatisch abgespeichert wird).
  13. C

    Problem mit ebay-Betrüger

    Hier mal 'ne kurze Anleitung, um einen Ergänzungs-Kommentar abzugeben: Du klickst auf: ---------------------- Mein eBay (Meine Mitgliedschaft) 'Bewertungen' (steht links am Rand) 'Gehen Sie zum Bewertungsportal' (steht gleich rechts neben dem Button 'BEWERTUNG ABGEBEN') 'Auf Bewertung...
  14. C

    Problem mit ebay-Betrüger

    @ KingCheese, das was man Dir noch raten könnte ist, das Du zu Deiner abgegebenen und erhaltenen negativen Bewertung noch einen Ergänzungs-Kommentar abgeben und somit versuchen kannst, dem Typen noch mal kräftig eins reinzuwürgen und Deine erhaltene Bewertung wieder 'etwas' gerade rücken...
  15. C

    Mame Gp32 Sound Is Too Low

    No problem at all, i knew the whole time you would try to solve the issue. :) QUOTE Right, I've made some neat improvements to the GP32 MAME sound code. [+] Sound mixer is a fair bit more accurate now and should be scaling volume precisely. [+] Triple buffering for the sound which should...
  16. C

    SMC Karten?

    Nichts zu danken. :) Zum formatieren benutze ich die SLUBMAN-Firmware, da ist u.a. geich ein Formatter integriert, aber es geht natürlich auch mit dem Tool. :D Die FW findest Du übrigens hier (auf die richtige Version achten !):,0,1,0,42
  17. C

    und nochmal freelauncher......

    Tach auch, mit der ganzen elenden Freelauncher - Geschichte kann ich Dir leider auch nicht direkt weiterhelfen, aber falls auch weiterhin gar nichts klappen sollte, gibt es 2 Möglichkeiten: 1.) Versuch die Frage nochmals im internationalen Forum zu stellen, nämlich hier: bzw.der...
  18. C

    SMC Karten?

    Jau, klappt einwandfrei ! :) Allerdings -wahrscheinlich- nur die normalen (alten) 128 MB Karten, mit anderen Worten nicht die Highspeed - Dinger und ohne PANORAMA-Funktion. Die konnte ich nämlich leider noch nicht testen.
  19. C

    Volume In Gpsp

    A higher volume step-rate would be already sufficient. ;)
  20. C

    Gp32 Virgin Needs Help

    That's a problem in DrMD_V5b7, try V5b9 (BLU+). You can get it here: