I check the Gamepro site often and its at 44,000 units a week approximate. In January the highest I saw was 75,000 a week. It has fallen but it still sells shitloads ;)
Well don't know if the PSP has slown down that much in Japan its still the number one selling console closely followed by the PS2. Its almost outselling the DS 2:1 now.
No not luck. The problem is the difficulty in creating the PSP screens. The old handhelds had very primitive LCD screens which were easy to make. The PSP screen is huge and has a much smaller dot pitch (means smaller pixels closer together so images looks better). Not to mention all the things...
20 and nothing either. THough I bought myself a PSP and games so better than an easter egg, though I wont get it for the easter break which sucks ass :(
You can't judge a console by its number of MHZ, the PSP uses a different processor and also has a video processing chip which is much more usefull than a high clock speed. If you want good games and a gauranteed long life span get a PSP, if you want a console which IMO will never amount to...
LOL sony should really fire a lot of the wankers working there, than maybe they'd get a better reputation. This guys obviously being a smart ass, saying well if your not happy with your unit, than sell it and you'll still make a profit. This was probably done on the 200,000 unit Jap launch am I...
Well Samsung is making the LCD screens and in Australia they offer a zero dead pixel warranty, so if you find one on their LCD monitors they'll replace them. I'm suprised that the quality of the Samsung PSP screens are so bad....
Yeah downloading an image to check is really lame I mean if you CAN'T notice the pixels than why waste sony's time when someone else with 5 or more dead pixels could be getting that replacement unit. Lit pixels you can usually see when the screen is black as bast said.
Metal Gear Acid not a port
Wipeout Pure, not a port
Twisted metal Head on, not a port
NFSU Rivals, not a port
Ape Escape, not a port
Lumines, not a port
Ah stuff it I can't be bothered writing anymore
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