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  1. J


    I’ve wanted to move to Linux for awhile now, the only up side of Windows I can see is that all PC games are made to run on it, but to be absolutely honest I never play games on my PC anymore I do most my gaming on my GC and DC so I have decided it’s time to move to Linux so Bill can’t stop me...
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  3. J

    Anyone In Uk Need Cheap 2gb Card?

    It has to be dodgy to be honest, tell us what it's like wen you get it though. Fingers crossed he's on the level. Edit: Horrific Spelling
  4. J

    Maxell 1gb Sd Card

    That's a bloody good price i wonder if it's any good tho. Hmmmmmm :huh:
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    Maxell 1gb Sd Card

    Sounds intresting lol, i can't seem to find it tho culd u link me?
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    Maxell 1gb Sd Card

    1GB Sandisk SD Card This is the cheapest ive found i'll be ordering soon for my GP2X :)
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    Uae4all Amiga Emulator Port To Gp2x

    :D :D :D Moonstone........................ i'm in heaven
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    Replacement Joystick Caps Available

    4 days thts pretty swift all the way from the US of A, wen i order things from there (DVD's etc) it usually takes at least a week but then i do live out in the sticks.
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    Squidgengine 0.1

    I must admit tht the PCEngine emulator on the GP32 was pretty much the emu i played the most i absolutely love the system it's got some awesome games. Nice 2 c it making it's way on2 the 2X, nice work again Squidge :D. Hmmmmm ive still got mine in the loft somewhere........... i may have 2 go...
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    Not Pron

    Loool this is pretty rad. I'm on level 4 and kinda stuck :blink:
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    Yeti3d Engine Mystery - Reward Offered

    Lol u culd make it into a TV show..... "The Nerd Detectives"
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    Replacement Joystick Caps Available

    Just over a week give or take a few days.
  13. J

    Slashdot Once More...

    Tht is probably a very good idea.
  14. J

    Uae4all Amiga Emulator Port To Gp2x

    This is amazing tbh. The Amiga is one of my favorite systems ever it's got some of the greatest games i have ever played on it and now somebody is working on an emulator for the GP2X this is rad! Thank you Critical! :D
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    Slashdot Once More...

    Well that's nice to kno :) hopefully this is all over now *crosses fingers*, just wondering how did u find this out?
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    Is A Syndicate Port Possible? (pic Warning)

    Ahhhhhhhhh Turrican, the memories come flooding back, that game is bloody brilliant.
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    Amiga Is It Possible

    I would also definately donate to an amiga emu, imagine Moonstone: A Hard Day's Knight on the move :lol: tht would be freaking awesome, i hope some wonderful dev picks this up :D
  18. J

    Fighting Games

    Looool hmmmmmm i don't think i'd b able 2 do tht hehe, but Kung Lao's Hat Trick has got to be one of the best in the whole game.
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    Fighting Games

    *sigh* I made the mistake of downloading the MK theme and now i'm gasping 2 play it even tho ive left my gp32 at my mates house and i havent got my gp2x yet............ Shit. I kno i kno i can ply it on the PC but i hate playing fighting games with a keyboard lol. O and btw what is your fave...
  20. J

    Fighting Games

    Sorry wrong bloody forum delete this asap :ph34r: Oooookkkkk or not............. random it's appearing on the front page under the dev forums or is my comp just having a heart attack????