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  1. Dr.Crow

    Pics of your Pandora...!

    Hey! That's my Pandora! I can't explain that dust (maybe it was in his lightbox ;) ), but I can assure you all that my Pandora has been getting a LOT of love for the 13 days that I've had it. The wife loves playing with it too. :)
  2. Dr.Crow

    Your Place In The Preorder Line?

    My order was confirmed by email on January 30 2009. When I added some items to my order in mid-December, I also asked Jacqueline my place in the queue and she told me 1550 - 1650. So, depending on the number of people ahead of us in the queue that cancelled their orders in the last 5 months...
  3. Dr.Crow

    Here Is What Will Be Happening.

    Just to be clear, I am not one of those impatient customers who has to have his Pandora NOW. I've waited over a year since placing my original preorder - and I can wait longer. I fully respect the decisions of MWeston and the rest of the OP team. If they feel the cases are not good enough...
  4. Dr.Crow

    Here Is What Will Be Happening.

    I completely agree with Lord_Pall. I can understand the team wanting perfection, but if enough customers are willing to accept the case as is with the chance of buying a "perfected" case later (and it seems there are plenty) - I say go for it. I, for one, would gladly accept a case that isn't...
  5. Dr.Crow

    Reordering Deadline

    Sent postal money order from the US (PA) on Feb 3rd via 1st class mail and received confirmation from Debs that the payment was received today (Feb 6th). I thought I'd be waiting until Monday for that confirmation. Cool.
  6. Dr.Crow

    The Ladies Of Pandora

    I tend to be a lurker (this is only my second post), but if there was ever a reason to come out of hiding it would be to thank these two ladies. Thank you Jacquelyn and Debbie, all of your effort and hard work is very much appreciated. :)
  7. Dr.Crow

    Subscribing To Pandora Newsletter Mailing List

    The main web page says that one should add their name to the newsletter mailing list if they want to order a Pandora when more are available. I am very much interested in receiving such a newsletter (and also ordering a Pandora ;) ), but the form at the top of the page to sign...