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  1. N

    Movie Player In Firmware 4

    on my F100, the resume function just works.
  2. N

    How Old Is Your Gp2x?

    version 2.1.1 model gp2x - f100 s/n 2005.12.13 - gp2xv127 - 00001728
  3. N

    Gp2x Firmware 3.0.0 Has Been Released

    If that's true... GPH, keep up the good work :D ;)
  4. N

    Virus On

    If you follow that link, it says that "TROJ_ANICMOO.AX" will be unable to infect your computer if you patch your system (2000/XP/Vista i think)
  5. N

    I Cant Install The Sdl Files

    A question about the same thing: is there a way to deinstall these sdl files? It's just something i want to know :)
  6. N

    Gmenu2x V0.8 Released

    Dutch part 2: Clear=Schonen Confirm=Bevestigen Enter folder/Confirm=Open map/Bevestigen Exit=Uit --> Clear=Wis Confirm=Bevestig Enter folder/Confirm=Open map/Bevestig Exit=Verlaat Aren't that better translations? The rest is excellent done :)
  7. N

    Too Many Firmwares

    i shoud wanna upgrade but... i don't find firmware 2.1.2 neither 3.0.0 :( :P
  8. N

    Too Many Firmwares

    Any news? Is this now another firmware of the same as 2.1.1? Download link?
  9. N

    Does Not Work With Battery.

    is that adaptor made for GP2X? I know some people used an adaptor who gave to much voltage (i think) so i damaged the battery compartiment...
  10. N

    Gmenu2x V0.8 Released

    gmenu don't remove's the default menu, if autostart is enabled, you just don't see the default menu (or you must exit gmenu) simple remove gmenu from your cd/nand to have default menu back and no, gmenu cannot permanently replace the default menu
  11. N

    Vektar Problems

    load gp2x without sd card in it, then put the sd card into the gp2x when in the menu, should work (not testen myself but i read it here a couple of times)
  12. N

    Best F1 Game ?

    Note that DirectX (version 8 or newer) must be installed in order to play the game. So, don't hope for it <_<
  13. N

    Firmware 2.1.1

    yes it was discussed here but it was never in the news-section.
  14. N

    Mpeg Files Not Recognized?

    support for avi/mpeg/wmv, that's what GPH told us one year ago.
  15. N

    Disable Startup Sound

    i have also the silent soundfile but GPH should make an option to just disable the sound. This must be not so difficult to implement.
  16. N

    Firmware V2.1.1

    it seems like i want the only one here that had the headphone bug (that the speakers stayed playing) but i had it only once. i'll update now. After update, he ask himself if he may patch the gp2x, nice.
  17. N


    In Need For Speed Underground, only the background is shown while racing (q3).
  18. N

    How To Determine Maximum Stable Clockspeed?

    PayBack Demo is indeed a good tester for maximum clockspeed i think. 270 with my GP2500MaH was no problem, 280 locked up but hey i never go over 250 normally.
  19. N

    New Vba-r Version

    GameBoy Advance (GBA) ;)