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  1. Loonie

    Cache misses

    The transform looks like this: int zxcyscale; int zxcxscale; for (int zxcy=0; zxcy<480; zxcy++) { zxcyscale = (tan ((zxcy+395) / 202.0)) * 240; for (int zxcx=0; zxcx<800; zxcx++) { zxcxscale = (zxcx-400) * (( sin(zxcy/152.788745368) *1.2)...
  2. Loonie

    Cache misses

    That's basically it. The load is fairly random, or at least jumping frequently between extremes. The hurdle I have with the data restructuring is that I'm not accessing the same area of the image data every time. There's an offset applied to the point of where the image data is initially...
  3. Loonie

    Cache misses

    Hello programmer types with Pandora experience, I'm creating some elaborate bitmap transforms for a game background, basically precalculated stuff stored in a 2D one-dimensional integer array. The array contains which pixel of the bitmap should be displayed in which pixel of screen. This is all...
  4. Loonie

    [Application] Code::Blocks and CommandLine Compile Everything

    And they're all "ohmigah, check out that loser and his out-of-date libstdc++"
  5. Loonie

    Alien vs Predator Port

    Oh yes please.
  6. Loonie

    SONY PlayStation 4 (PS4)

    It was amusing to savor the irony of hearing the developers of Infamous lamenting (complete with pregnant pauses) the crazy out-of-control surveillance world we live in where all our actions are spied upon, right after Sony had finished waxing lyrical about how all your playing and viewing...
  7. Loonie

    SONY PlayStation 4 (PS4)

    I think it's a bit inaccurate to call the "play while the game is still downloading/installing" a PS4 feature; it's the developers who are going to have to do all the work to make that happen. It's more like a developer feature mandated by Sony. In any case, I'm just jumping on to the current...
  8. Loonie

    Release Firefox 18.0

    Is it done yet? Is it done yet? Is it done yet? Is it done yet? Is it done yet? etc
  9. Loonie

    Can anyone recommend a bench power supply?

    I've been chewing over this issue myself. Sure wish we had a Maplin electronics in Montreal. In the meantime, I came across this circuit diagram, which seems fairly straightforward and should suit my needs.
  10. Loonie

    DraStic Nintendo DS emulator teaser video

    Actually, is there an NeoGeo Pocket emu I've overlooked?
  11. Loonie

    SD Slot Card pin broken (+Help)

    Need pics, might be repairable.
  12. Loonie

    Release DraStic Nintendo DS emulator

    Polarium (US) 0006 runs flawlessly on 1GHz. It's small and technically undemanding, so I suspect will run well on any Pandora. Fun little game, too. Was my first DS game. I'll add it to the wiki when I get a moment, unless someone beats me to it. It's best played with the vertical screen...
  13. Loonie

    Release DraStic Nintendo DS emulator

    I need to get this set up and take Polarium for a spin.
  14. Loonie

    Code::Blocks with C/C++ Compiler

    Well, finally got it installed. Quite a hefty little PND now. All seems to be working nice and smoothly. Great job, as usual.
  15. Loonie

    Code::Blocks with C/C++ Compiler

    Typical. Office WiFi is running slower than a tortoise on mogadon.
  16. Loonie

    Help - update removed my selectable GUIs

    Actually, I quite liked that weird login screen.
  17. Loonie

    Has anyone successfully sued over this product yet?

    I'll have to see how this pans out. Y'know, in between playing Gran Turismo at full speed and in high resolution.
  18. Loonie

    Got the email. queue position 137

    Glad to hear it. Sounds like they're making some headway.
  19. Loonie

    My Pandora was ran over buy a car!

    Man, this thread sure stirred up some dark shit.