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  1. Quiest

    Question On Malloc And Free.

    Pretty interesting, but why does that work o.O Since p is pointing at nothing, how can I check the adress of a member of the struct, when the member simply isnt there? Even more, why can you use and don't have to use p->foo? Sorry if this is some noobish sort of question ^^
  2. Quiest

    Friq Release

    Nice! I started working on a remake for the same game :)
  3. Quiest

    'sleuth Slots' Fruit Machine Sim Released

    The game is super awesome, I was able to play a beta beofre and I got really sucked into this fruit machine shit :D never played a FM before. Excellent release, as always!
  4. Quiest

    Doukutsu Monogatari ~ Cave Story

    Pah, who needs infinite flight :P the Spur rocks! Killing the last bosses (not the hell boss) is no problem with it, as it does NOT level down (you have to charge it). The hell boss is another story :P couldnt beat it yet.
  5. Quiest


    yes, it never worked fine for me... hmmm but just on the gp32... never tried it on the 2X
  6. Quiest

    GP2X Sdl_ttf Printf Functions

    Thanks, will take a look if they are of any use for me :)
  7. Quiest

    Will There Be Any More Progress With Snes Emulation...?

    PSX does not have nearly as much good games as the SNES has.
  8. Quiest

    GP32 Devc++ And Sdk Gp2x

    I also recommend using Code::Blocks, its great!
  9. Quiest

    Cave Story

    Nice review, I love the game. But over 20 hours? A bit much... I finished the game in about 8 hours on the first playthrough without using a walkthrough.
  10. Quiest

    I Could Cry :(

    Aye, fine :) Good to hear you have recovered your data!
  11. Quiest

    einfahc nur traurig

    Moment, stopp o.O Hey Nils, gehts hier jetz wirklich um deine Festplatte :huh:
  12. Quiest

    Neuer Handheld taucht bald auf

    Weiß nicht ob ichs schon verpasst, aber ich hoff dass dann auch so schnell wie möglich SDL portiert wird :) Und: Igitt, ja, jetz fällts mir wieder ein, die Chupachupslutscher, hatte so nen widerlichen Schokosahne *bäh* XD
  13. Quiest

    I Could Cry :(

    Ah, f*ck, that really sucks :( Try File Scavenger, really good application, saved me a lot of lost data!
  14. Quiest

    Rapid Fire With Keyboard?

    Does anybody know a program that keeps running in background, enabling rapidfire for keys? Like if I KEEP pressing x it registers x, unregisters it, registers it again, etc.
  15. Quiest

    Cave Story ~~ Doukutsu Monogatari

    Make the control switchable please... you can switch Z & X in the pc version, too.
  16. Quiest

    Neuer Handheld taucht bald auf

    Oh mann oh mann, ich kanns kaum erwarten... hört sich alles ziemlich geil an... ich denk ich werd das Teil auch wie den 2X vorbestellen! Werd wohl die Tage direkt meine PSP verkaufen und dann das Geld wegsperren und erst zum Kauf dieses Gerätleins wieder hervorholen. Namen habst ihr noch...
  17. Quiest

    Craigix Discloses Information On New Gp2x?

    Arg, 46 pages !? Can't be arsed to look through what this is about, but I still wanna know it. Can someone who followed through sum it up for me?
  18. Quiest

    Cave Story ~~ Doukutsu Monogatari

    :o :o :o You GOT to be kidding! Can't say any more now.
  19. Quiest


    So, how much fps did it make? also, the inbuilt scrolling is buggy, and i remember it being very slow and laggy on the 2X (so could be mine). If you got any test results, please inform me.