Thanks for that emulator! The Apple ][+ was my second computer back in my younger days (right after a TRS-80 Model 1) and being able to play Rescue Raiders and Crisis Mountain again on the Pandora after all these years puts a big smile on my face... :-)
Regarding the GUI: Thats a question for Ari64 or Adventus, I did only work on the graphics plugin/compatibility.
Jeffrey - sure, its possible to use Pickle Launcher. Next time I see that it is included.
You can also set a game specifc rendering rate (thanks to Adventus changes in 0.0.5):
1. Open <yoursdcard>/pandora/appconfig/mupen64plus-r1/config/gles2n64rom.conf
2. Search the line
If the line for your game is missing you can add it at the end of the config file...
Auto-frameskip can only skip one extra frame, however this version allows to combine auto-frameskip with normal render rate for the 0.0.5 plugin. Just set a frame render rate of 2 or 3 and activate also auto-frameskip. When the frame render rate is set to 1 only auto-frameskip is active.
Nope, this is a current build actually. I left out picklelauncher since I don't use it and so I could not test it. I think its important to have a current version in the archive, since newcomers look there first.
Just switch to gles2n64 0.0.5 to get autoframe skip (each plugin has its own...
In case you didn't notice Mupen64PlusR1B5+ is now on the archive.
Its mainly the version Adventus posted but using current plugins for sound, etc.
Patches for Pilotwings and PaperMario (the later still has issues but its better
now, needs more work though) are in both gles2n64 gfx plugins...
I recently got Pilotwings working (removed the black area below the planes, perfect now) and fixed some flickering in Papermario (better now, some textures are still black later in the game - need to check further). Patches sent to Adventus.
Same here (otherwise I would have sent you my results). It only crashes when used in mupen. Guess the only way is to 'record' what calls the emulator makes and replay it 1:1 in the testcase.
I also checked that but I don't think thats the reason
- as the magic moment in the Triforce cutscene approaches there is still 12MB free here, running on XFCE (more on Minimenu). Texture buffer use was ~4 MB at this point and 73 shader programs were instantiated. I also added code to limit...
Since the freezes were such that the system was knocked out cold, could only be revived by a hard reset and nothing was ever written to a log its hard to deduce whats going on.
If you like to see what makes the difference check
Workaround for the freeze issue:
In Mupen open the Graphics Setting. Change
framebuffer enable=0 to 1
framebuffer width=400 to 800
framebuffer height=240 to 480
Save. Play. LOZ:OOT does not lock at the triforce cutscene anymore.
Just tested it four times in a row.
Holy moly! Changing the rendering of gles2n64 to framebuffer resolved the hard freeze! I just tried it three times in a row (remember that the spider must be slain for each test, so it takes a bit) and it worked.
Thanks a bunch for the tip!
Well, there seems to be a bit work to do for them...
After several days of searching for the 'hard freeze' bug I firmly believe now that its a race condition in the driver, also earlier versions. Regardless of what parameters I changed the result (freeze / not freeze) was like throwing a dice...
4.03 not seem to work with Mupen, locks up as soon as a game is started (black screen). E.g. LOZ:OOT immediately locks up, does not even show the startup logo. No such problem when using 4.00 (and 3.01, however it still has the hard freeze on the Triforce cutscene)
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