Search results

  1. bukkit

    Release gpsd bundle and modrana update

    Ah, thanks! Fixed it. The Pyra might have a builtin GPS, gpsd'll probably be shipped in a useful version with the OS then, preconfigured and all. I tend to think it'll obsolete my little package, but we'll see.
  2. bukkit

    Release gpsd bundle and modrana update

    I made a bundle for gpsd (v 3.10), with a small runner and config frontend. Here: gpsd repo Also cube48 made me co-package maintainer for modRana (thanks!), so I updated that to 0.45.3. modRana repo
  3. bukkit

    Release Navit

    As an aside, I've adapted and packed modrana 0.45.3 for the Pandora. (I had quite some trouble with the 0.39 there until I found out it was a documentation bug. sheesh.) There are some improvements in it, though. I asked cube48 to make me a co-maintainer, so I might be able to put that there soon.
  4. bukkit

    Release Navit

    Good question. Looks like it was because of xgps/xgpsspeed (which is in the gpsd sources, but on debian usually delivered via gpsd-clients). These are pygtk clients. This is a very cursory assessment however... Good thinking to just skip it. Well I guess I'll still pack a backup gpsd with my...
  5. bukkit

    Release Navit

    Ah, you're saying ist obtainable via opkg now? Just yesterday uploaded the first package into the repo. Now the frontend will have to be rewritten. :) Good to know at any rate. Thanks for the info. btw, which version is it? I couldn't compile anything beyond 2.39,
  6. bukkit

    Release Navit

    You can put a file named navit.ovr next to the navit.pnd with following content: [Application-0] title Navit maincategory Education maincategorysub1 MapsThese are categories from the standard. (There, categories Education, Science and Utility...
  7. bukkit

    Release Navit

    I used something like <speech type="cmdline" data="espeak -v german -a 200 'eeeh eeeh %s'" cps="15"/>in my navit.xml. Navit sounds a tad less competent, though. :) (I experimented with sth like espeak -m "<break time="2000ms"/> %s", but this version of espeak seems to ignore SSML...
  8. bukkit

    Forum search function

    @fzero: That gives a lot of gpsp, but as a crutch, it works. @Neelix: This is an option, yes, and the results a bit better. Thanks to you both. I still think changing the indexing setting would be a gain in usability...
  9. bukkit

    Forum search function

    First, sorry for posting in this subforum, but I didn't find a better suited topic. This question can be answered by any forum admin, not only EvilDragon. Usually with a forum software, it's possible to set the search settings so that three-letter-words are indexed. Here it seems to start at...
  10. bukkit

    Christmas, the past and the future (2013-12-24)

    Thanks for the hint...
  11. bukkit

    Pyra audio - needs to be fantastic

    While we're at it, one shouldn't forget the physical volume pot. That's rather unique these days, and I for one would miss it dearly if it was gone. (Was there any information on this? Couldn't find any searching. I understand it was difficult to realise, so it might be tempting to skip that...
  12. bukkit

    Christmas, the past and the future (2013-12-24)

    Make that 446. I never took part in the survey, for several reasons. The offer for a Pyra for production cost is a great idea. That would mean you don't suffer a financial loss, and I'd have some value for my money - and I'm a customer for accessories, too. (Cases might be a good idea for the...
  13. bukkit

    Pandora 2 probability debate

    That's what I tried to do the last three posts. Would "good bye" work?
  14. bukkit

    Pandora 2 probability debate

    Hehe. :) I could explain that. But it'd probably blow everything out of proportion even more and I guess you're not really interested, which I absolutely don't mind. This is kinda uncalled for. The main difference, and that's what was driving this thread, is that WizardStan was claiming his...
  15. bukkit

    Pandora 2 probability debate

    Ah, no. That would be wrong, too. And it's another misunderstanding. This thread started with misunderstandings of what I want and misinterpretations of what I wrote, I kinda feel compelled to at least try to clear up all of them. That's the reason I'm writing on. But that might not work. And...
  16. bukkit

    Pandora 2 probability debate

    FAIL. :P Oh, to be true, I actually found you did remarkably well in both areas (I found the serious posts later). And I found both worth reading. (In fact I never thought I could end up maintaining my own thread of comparative relevance and certainly less entertainment, but look, here I am.)
  17. bukkit

    Pandora 2 probability debate

    I don't know what to say, except, I don't know what makes you think I should want anything (more). I accepted your first apology. (This one seems to be kinda off-target, coupled with a veiled half-insult, and hard to decide what exactly it is for, so I skip. Apologies on my behalf if I misread...
  18. bukkit

    What standards can the P2 follow?

    I love it. It's one of the things setting the Pandora apart from all those clumsy, often malfunctioning software sliders. For me, it's almost as important as the clamshell design and the keyboard.
  19. bukkit

    TV-Out Cable - Prototype finished (2013-05-03)

    Doesnt annoy me at all. I'm thinking quite the same. I'd pay ED for the cable, and I'd strike that order from Craigs queue without refund. I think I can handle the ED part myself by just ordering. I just don't know if Craig can handle the order striking part; it might be easier if ED did that...
  20. bukkit

    Pandora 2 probability debate

    Yeah, I know. That, and updating address info, order volume, order numbers and stuff. But I still think this should have been handled as two separate issues. It's not only bad to couple these functions for the given reasons, it's also bad you can't use the second function without the first. The...