Search results

  1. Binky

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    With any luck, the import charges are fixed - though of course VAT is relative to the value of the goods. If so, the increased cost of our Pyras will be proportionally smaller than the horror stories one reads in the news. I'm curious to see how it goes for other UK-based preorderers though...
  2. Binky

    How to serial out on any arduino pin.

    This might be of interest, then: Still, there's nothing wrong with your approach. If it works and suits your application, go ahead!
  3. Binky

    How to serial out on any arduino pin.

    The page at gives this example: SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); void setup() { mySerial.begin(9600); } void loop() { mySerial.write(45); // send a byte with the value 45 int bytesSent = mySerial.write(“hello”); //send the...
  4. Binky

    What dit you use your Pandora/Pyra today/the last few days

    My Pandora is currently being a CD player, with a USB optical drive and some external speakers. True, that probably wouldn't be anyone's first choice for home audio setup, but it still works very well!
  5. Binky

    How to serial out on any arduino pin.

    Out of interest, what advantage did you have in mind over using the SoftwareSerial library? I can think of a few reasons for manually bit-bashing serial out from a GPIO, but also reasons not to. Is this part of a larger project?
  6. Binky

    First batch Pandora for sale - extra battery incl.

    Without wishing to cast aspersions, it's probably better to write your forum name in on a scrap of paper (on in an application running on the device) before taking the photo. The idea is to make it difficult for someone else to replace your name with theirs, and fraudulently sell a device they...
  7. Binky

    Lets start making the helper gadgets

    More constructively, it occurs to me that there are a lot of little widgets and applets out there already. Many are either already in Debian, or just a compile away. Although there may be a few special Pyra gadgets to write, I suspect most of the work is in finding existing ones, and making...
  8. Binky

    Lets start making the helper gadgets

    Tut. Real programmers use butterflies! Command-lines are great if you already know what you want, and are adept at either working out how to achieve it, or throwing search terms at StackOverflow. However, they are extremely unwelcoming for a novice or non-technical user, because there are so...
  9. Binky

    Pyra and Brexit

    I agree that Pyra --> General is a perfectly reasonable place for this thread, provided we don't get side-tracked onto broader political issues. Of course, members are entirely welcome to report content they think is inappropriate!
  10. Binky

    Replacement Casing for Rebirth

    Another option would be to offer to buy a spare case set from someone on these boards. There may be quite a few out there bought for modding projects that never happened, or "just in case"!
  11. Binky

    Tales of an Assembly

    Clearly I've not been paying enough attention! I could have sworn there was talk of a software fix for over-sensitive battery protection quite recently. Did I only dream it? Of course, resistors are user-configurable too, if you have a steady hand and a good soldering iron...
  12. Binky

    Tales of an Assembly

    ^ It may be worth clarifying what you mean by user-configurable! With the Pyra's highly (although not quite entirely) open software stack, almost everything is configurable in one sense. However, it may require manually editing some config file or script - or even recompiling the kernel as you...
  13. Binky

    The Communication Cube

    The forum seems to be undergoing something of an awakening, with more on-topic content and more active members, some new. As a result, we do need to be careful not to be too defensive and cliquey. Quite frequently, new members ask "Why should I buy a Pyra when it costs lots of money and...
  14. Binky

    Lets start making the helper gadgets

    While the first priority should clearly be to develop tools that work, I think it's also important to use a GUI toolkit that 'feels' native. Zenity, for all its faults, does bring you standard-looking GTK dialogues. Hardware vendors often try to write their own flashy UIs from scratch for...
  15. Binky

    Has someone running phosh on Pyra already?

    I wonder how well it (Phosh) works with buttons and physical controls. From the screenshots there, it looks designed for low-precision touchscreens, where I'd prefer menu navigation using the d-pad (etc). Still, an interesting project, and I'd be interested to see how well it works on our...
  16. Binky

    Pyra pictures (spoilers)

    Perhaps the idea was to illustrate an open community, or a world to discover? If so, I can't think of a better way to illustrate such abstract concepts. Most tech packaging implies a finished and sealed product. With long-term community support like the Pandora, it'll never really be...
  17. Binky

    Happy New Year 2021

    Happy new year, everyone! 2020 was a dud, but I'm sure regression to the mean will pull through. That, and some fellow in Bavaria with long hair.
  18. Binky

    Pyra and Brexit

    A sad but understandable stance! I shan't be best pleased if we end up paying heavy duties, but then pretty much all consumer electronic products will be in the same situation. The Pyra's whole-life cost:benefit ratio will be pretty good either way, but it is substantial investment, and it's...
  19. Binky

    How can I help? (Long term N900 and Debian user)

    Welcome to the boards! I've taken the liberty of splitting this post into it's own thread, which should make it a bit more visible. You might want talk a bit more about your skills and interests. Are you a seasoned developer? Skilled in web design, or writing documentation? Keen to optimise...
  20. Binky


    I would be very surprised if Raspbian works out-of-the-box on a Pyra. Raspbian has lots of hardware-specific tweaks for Raspberry Pi hardware. The Pyra has different hardware, and needs different tweaks. You could (in theory) develop a version of Raspbian that runs on a Pyra - but it would be...