Search results

  1. Ziz

    Broken Alsa Audio

    Somehow I managed to break my alsa audio. No alsa program is able to play sound. Alsamixer does not show any "Playback" regulator (but Capture...). However OSS3 is working. I played a year ago with audio over bluetooth and maybe broke something. Unfortunately I forgot, what I changed. -_- I...
  2. Ziz

    Very strange charging behaviour

    I read about this yesterday and also updated my system, but did not test it. I do now and it really works much better now! :confused: It is not stable, it does not to work in every position every time, but it at least it works! :D Tbh USB is much more useful for me anyway. If I am on tour, I...
  3. Ziz

    Very strange charging behaviour

    I didn't test another charge, this is an idea, too. I should have an universal charger somewhere™ at home.
  4. Ziz

    Very strange charging behaviour

    Hello, I decided to reuse my pandora after a long period of not using it at all and I continue with a problem, why I stopped using it at all 8 months ago. So this is my problem: It is really a pain in the ass to charge my pandora. If I use the AC adapter it works only very rarely and only in...
  5. Ziz

    Decent Game Engine

    First learn C/C++. Maybe use SDL or something similar simple. If you didn't fail with that, continue your search. Programming is more than knowing a language. Programming needs a way of thinking, of abstracting the environment. The needs a lot of time, practice and maybe a bit talent...
  6. Ziz

    Web Browser

    Old? Here are users in the board, which are not BORN when in this thread was posted the last time before your post!
  7. Ziz

    The Definitive List of Pandora Games (native games and ports)

    Does it? When did you play the last time? Did I overlook your critics in one of the plenty Hase threads, so I can improve it? For your interest, @blimpsgo180: + Repo.
  8. Ziz

    Original-Firmware 4.1 oder Open2X

    Ich habe das originale Case. Der Reißverschluss ist zwar im Arsch, aber wenn ich die beiden Zipper mittig platziere, hält es gut. :)
  9. Ziz

    Original-Firmware 4.1 oder Open2X

    Hey! Also ich nutze Open2x und bin sehr zufrieden. Alle Sachen, die ich brauche, laufen. Bei FW4 laufen auch einige Sachen der FW2 nicht. Wenn es ein paar ganz bestimmte Dinge sind, die du gerne wissen würdest, ob sie laufen, schreib einfach. Ich habe auch gerade wieder meine GP2X Phase und...
  10. Ziz

    Reggie World -> GLBasic WIP

    Naja, für mich klingt das eher wie ein unpraktiches Savegame format bzw. ungutes Handling mit globalen Variablen. ;)
  11. Ziz

    Reggie World -> GLBasic WIP

    Vielleicht wäre es ja eine gute Idee dein Saveformat jetzt um ein Versionsflag zu erweitern und immer, wenn du es inkompatibel zu vorher machst, schreibst du einen Konverter. Wenn dann jemand mit Saveformat 10 eine Version startet, die Version 14 braucht, kannst du suksessive über die Versionen...
  12. Ziz

    What will a Pyra be able to do that the OpenPandora can't do now?

    HD porn. This was always bugging me...
  13. Ziz

    Keyboard layouts get political

    I wonder, whether the include greek letters on the keyboard. :>
  14. Ziz

    Beta Giana's Return v1.10 GP2x

    I totally forgot about the original icon size. I probaly could not image someone not using gmenu2x. :D
  15. Ziz

    Beta Giana's Return v1.10 GP2x

    I know. But I needed to distinguish the two builds. ;) It is in both versions. But Kojote can. He started this thread at all. :) And I think some game related feedback is also welcome? And you could resize the icon. ;)
  16. Ziz

    Release Hero of Allacrost

    OT: My first read was "Hero of Holocaust" O_o
  17. Ziz

    Beta Giana's Return v1.10 GP2x

    Heya, I tested both versions on my gp2x f100 with open2x. I have also the flickering in the intro Speaking of it, after the third start it gets quite anoying. Especially as you don't save my selected language. The sound works well with your version, Pickle. The mod version from Kojote had...
  18. Ziz

    Release [GP2X] Griel's Quest for the Sangraal

    Thanks for this. Imho the gp2x is still the better device than caanoo and wiz. :) Thinking about taking it with me again daily... The gaming experience is just better than with the pandora.
  19. Ziz

    Release Hedgewars

    Nice one!