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  1. S

    Lucky Enough To Get An Email Back

    Well i've just read this thread and am now thoroughly confused by the whole exchange rate thing. Acoording to the GBAX website today, a Pandora will cost $330 which at the current exchange rate comes out at £198.57. Seeing as that's whats stated that's the price i should be charged ( plus VAT...
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    At Least I'm Not Dead. (official Blog Update)

    The first shipment with the parts for 2000 boards went the same way to Dallas without any problems. It's the second shipment (with the second 2000 parts) that is being held up. Which really does show some weirdness... Well, at least it means there shouldn't really be any delay caused by that...
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    At Least I'm Not Dead. (official Blog Update)

    Don't know where in the us you are shipping to, but a peice of advice I will offer is DO NOT USE DHL. They appear to be winding things up in (all?) areas in the US, so delivery and collection can be problematic at best. UPS or Fedex are the way to go in the US - just be aware that once US...
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    Pandora Components And Us Customs

    my bad - didn't see it :o Admins - can u move this.
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    Pandora Components And Us Customs

    Not sure if this helps the Pandora team - but for shipments into the UK from outside the EU that are being assembled and re-exported - you have to apply for Inward Processing Relief. What this allows you to do is import something - defer any customs payment and then as long as u ship it back...
  6. S

    Gp2x Demand?

    Yep there's still a demand. Just bought another on ebay and bidding was firece and is still consistently high. I've now got four of these bad boys at the mo 2 doing various things and 1 bricked model which I use for spares and 1 on the way. I was contemlplating a DS or PSP but decided on...
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    Blog Post.. China New Years? I Thought Made In Us?

    Again speaking from experience, it takes us about five sample runs for the quality from our chinese suppliers to match that of the previous western supplier. That said it's still cheaper and in the end the product is up to spec - we just have to factor in extra time. It's not being racist to...
  8. S

    Blog Post.. China New Years? I Thought Made In Us?

    From my experience with chinese manufactures - New Year introduces a minimum of two weeks into any time scale - workers like to go home for the new year and with a country the size of china, that can take some time. This is not a dig, i'm sure I read somewhere on the forum that the Pandora team...
  9. S

    Why I Will Not Be Getting A Pandora Now...

    If you pre ordered a Pandora you have every right to comment and even complain about a product you are owed - don't jump all over someone for excercising that right or having a differing opinion to yours. If you haven't pre-ordered then you can't really complain about anything except maybe...
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    Pandora In Linux Format

    The Pandora got a few lines in this month's linux format ( in the embeded section ), mostly saying it's not 'appeared' yet and that it was promised by the end of the year. Dunno if Craig and the gang ( sound like an eighties band :) )are going to send them a review unit, but LXF was quite...
  11. S

    Which Linux To Use On Laptop For Practice?

    Ditto what EMip say's - sounds like a hardware issue, probably the disk or memory. I had a machine just recently with the same symptoms - turned out the hard drive was on it's last legs. I've got xubuntu running on my old gateway solo P3 900 with 256mb of ram and it runs pretty good. As an...
  12. S

    Less Then A Week Until Preorders And No Finished Pandora

    I've been looking forward to the pandora for ages and still am. The problem's the team must be facing right now are huge - the cost's and manufacturing time for plastic moulds alone are horrendous and there's no guarantee they get it right first time which adds more cost and lead time...
  13. S

    Head Mounted Pandora Display?

    I've been working on something similar at work - but our visors / eye pieces are clear - it's a hud, the resolution is svga but you can go to wxvga. The virtual image is focussed about 3 or 4 meters in front of you. It's way cool, but being clear the unit has to be pretty bright for use in...
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    I Just Creamed In My Jeans. (demo Video Of The P)

    mmmmm nice. Is that the actual TFT to be used or just a test one - seems small compared to the board ??
  15. S

    Developer Fund

    It's an interesting point. one solution maybe for the fund to operate as a software label. Dev's submit their software to the label for reveiw. A group of say 10 members 'review' programs submitted to the fund. The reveiwers score on set key points and then an average score is arrived at. If...