I thought it was better to use official SDK memory functions instead of malloc() as these functions where more aware of the specificities of the hardware.
Now I'm really confused.
Is there a good way to know how much memory is left with standard functions?
My eMail is oankali @ nekanium dot com.
I would prefer an organized palette as it is easier to analyse.
For example:
0-63 : grayscale gradient
64-127: red gradient
128-191: green gradient
192-255: blue gradient
With a palette like this I should be able to find the header and how are saved the...
Have you tried SciTE?
Very simple to use, no installation required, free, tabs (10 max), retains last opened files, syntax highlight, lot of programming languages supported, bookmarks, word completion, ...
I don't know if I'm right but, if you are comparing a pixel, that means that you are already accessing the pixel, so why don't you draw the pixel directly without comparison?
I think I would need to see the code to understand a little better the benefits of your algorithm. :blink:
That's why I suggested to create a BMP with the palette.
Can you send me a Fenix palette? I can try to analyze it and add the format to the program. It would be better if you have already the specification of the Fenix palette.
It should be cool, isn't it? B)
If you understand spanish (or use babelfish), you can read this post on GP32Spain.
We are currently working on it to figure out if C++ can be used out of the box or not.
It seems that new/delete operators have to be defined and that exceptinos must be disabled (not 100% sure about that, actually...
You can use Photoshop to create a palette by hand.
But the little utility that I posted here on GP32Spain some time ago is specially designed to edit color palettes (look for my avatar).
I don't know how works Fenix, but in case you couldn't use directly the palette, just include the palette in...
If you prefere to code with the oficial SDK and have the posibility to code in VC6++ under Windows with debugging facilities, you can follow my own tutorials that you can find here: http://www.nekanium.com/gp32.
It's not as extended as the tutorial above, but is very simple to follow and with...
Take a look at my website, you could find something useful if yoou want to use the oficial GamePark SDK.
By the way, be warned that GPSDK don't seems to be compatible with C++ using GCC.
I really don't know how I woukd do it, but I think it's not enough to control the four edges of your ball as you can hit a corner of an object and in this case it's not just an up/down/left/right edge of the ball that will be in contact with the wall.
Perhaps you should make your calculations...
I think you should use double buffering to avoid this type of artifacts.
When switching from one surface to the other with GpSurfaceFlip() this function syncronizes with the vertical retrace.
Don't worry as Puzzle Mix is now an old project as Animings.
Pyramids 2 is more recent and still alive.
I hoope I will receive my first vote when I will finish my visual controls library (OKViCE) :P.
I think you have summarized quiet well the distinction between our two projects :)
Meanwhile you can have a look to the html file you can find in my gbax entry. It's the document I had to write to remember me how worked the kernel of my engine after I paused the project for too much monthes.
Before coding my font egine I compiled the FreeType 2 library for the GP32 to code a text reader. It was very 's very slow, so I coded my own library.
But don't think that all truetype fonts take less space. See your Fonts folder. For the GP32 we don't need all the sizes neither all the...
INT((size + 7) / 8) * 8
or with your calculator:
result = size / 8
if result has no decimals, size is ok
else take the integer part of the result, add 1
multiply the new result by 8
that's all
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