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  1. T

    Pandora Directory Structure Question

    I think the PND system is a fabulous idea and I'm excited about how much effort has gone into making it "right." It reminds me very much of the system around Rox-Filer which never got, I thought, the attention it deserved. In a sense, the PND is amusing because it's a step back to the days of...
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    That's the great thing about software, isn't it? It only takes one good dev to make something all 4000 of us (and more later) can enjoy indefinitely. We already have a handful of excellent developers hard at work. We already have a system that's more capable than a PC of not long ago. I have...
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    Im Not Very Proficient With Linux

    All indications are that the Pandora will be easier to use than Ubuntu. That's why they're developing this whole ".pnd" system, so you can drop new software onto an SD card and have it magically appear on your desktop or in the menus -- all dependencies accounted for. It sounds like some folks...
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    Audio Player Application

    I can relate. I have a few "compilation" albums that some players like to split up with separate entries for each artist. Yuck. Not to mention lots of (legal!) concert recordings. Since it came under discussion here, I've been playing with Exaile. It does, in fact, have a tab for...
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    Craigx Does It Again...

    I don't remember seeing confirmation anywhere that case #1 had been made. Just a few ugly samples. I rather assumed that since we didn't hear, none had been made. I would guess they wouldn't bother setting up the line until they're ready to knock out all 10,000 at a go. Don't remember, assume...
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    Unrealized expectations. Yes, delays are unfortunate, but that's life. With all those populated boards sitting around in Dallas, there's no turning back now!
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    I'm actually curious to see if I get it! I ordered in the first few hours of that fateful day. I got a newsletter the next day which announced that they were taking orders. I received another on 30 September 2009, the first anniversary of preorders. It said: Which is amusing on several...
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    Official Blog- A Big Thanks To All Of You!

    Tax laws are not so draconian here in the US. No one is going to look at a bunch of packages shipped domestically and ask if tax was paid on them. Shipping from Dallas to elsewhere in the US guarantees the taxman will not be involved in the US shipments. Mail order companies only charge taxes if...
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    Case Color

    I doubt the difference in cost between 4,000 cases and 10,000 was very significant. Once everything's up and running, they just push a little more plastic into the machine. Setting up and getting things up to temp (and throwing away 50-100 "warm-up" units) probably represents a large percentage...
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    Spoke To The Factory

    I'm OK with green. :D
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    Here Is What Will Be Happening.

    Wow. I'm impressed that MWeston's been reading this thread! It's a long one. I have nothing new, just wanted to chime in my agreement with various sentiments already well-expressed. I, too, wonder if this factory is going to do us any better. (The crack is a non-issue: there's no way they...
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    Researcher Translation

    Two months... the best of all possible worlds. Two weeks... ...once all the kinks are worked out. :P P.S. This is not a slam or a complaint. I saw xkcd this morning and couldn't resist. The Pandora release reminds me of the (old) Debian release cycle: it'll be done...
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    Little Questionnaire

    3 media player (to play videos, audios, photos) 0 personal video (watching yourself) 3 personal audio (as walkman or other mp3 player) 0 house player (for watching o listening by anybody around) 1 game console (to play games) 1 simple or logic games (causal gaming) 0 emulated systems...
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    Marketplace For Openpandora Commercial Games And Apps

    And this is something to be emulated? (Excuse the pun.) DRM is made to be broken. People who want to steal games will do so. This discussion has been going on on the 'net for ages... Where have seen this model before? Oh yeah: the iPhone. Which has a thriving jailbreak community. Which has...
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    Pandora Pandora Panic

    Foxblock -- Thank you for reporting the bug to begin with, providing a minimal fix, and for verifying my tidying up. I'm grateful for your assistance in my amateur efforts! Thank you, too, for working on instructions. I'm grateful and impressed by both you and Gruso (working on a manual -- you...
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    Pandora Pandora Panic

    Here is a 7zip with the changed files. Hopefully it will just drop in. Please let me know if you see any further problems: my kids didn't uncover any. :D Thanks again for all your work coordinating this project, Poke. I'm very excited to see my work on the actual machine. And find out if...
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    Pandora Pandora Panic

    Haha.... I'm excited someone noticed. :-) The issues with BadVista seem to have been due to the overly crude collision system. No surprise there. But I think I have put together an adequate fix not by writing a more subtle collision system, but by simply being a little smarter with the gravity...
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    Pandora Pandora Panic

    Woo-woo! Good news, indeed! Poke -- I'm taking a look at BadVista this weekend. (Yuck... C++: I've grown soft and comfortable coding Java at work!) There are a few code segments marked #ifdef PENJIN_FIXED. The #else is what seems to get run, and seems to be the more attractive code, too. For...
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    Pandora Pandora Panic

    It's a reasonable argument. Another (now active PandoraPanic developer) commented negatively about the cheap slam as well. FWIW, the game is based on an image I grabbed from the campaign. Originally I had the URL at the bottom of the screen, but that was removed after discussion...
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    Pandora Pandora Panic

    Argh... I thought I'd taken care of that stuff. I'm pretty sure the walls have friction as well as the floor. But I could be mistaken. Thanks for finding the bug. Please let me know if anyone manages to reproduce it. A good description of what happens might, as you suggest, enable me to code a...