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  1. NEIL L

    Changing Controls In Quake 2 Port.

    Try editing the baseq2/config.cfg file this list is what each Wiz button does, with a little patience you should be able to work it out. Finding out what each button did was the worst bit! (Why can't 'Wiz A = bind a' etc. be used, it'll make it easier) Wiz Up = bind UPARROW Wiz Down = bind...
  2. NEIL L

    New Firmware (V. 1.2.0) Out Now!

    Is there any chance you can get GP Quake to work? (as it doesn't work on firmware 1.1.0. or 1.2.0.) Cheers, Neil
  3. NEIL L

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Thank you chp, are you back to stay? We all miss you! Cheers, Neil
  4. NEIL L

    Wiz Firmware V. 1.2.0

    I wished I never created my thread now ( ) as I've opened a can of worms. I've now edited it, hopefully nobody else will download the Korean firmware. Cheers, Neil
  5. NEIL L

    New Firmware (V. 1.2.0) Out Now!

    Sorry, I was just passing on some news. :( Hopefully the proper firmware won't be long, and the bugs have been sorted out. Again I'm sorry about putting this link up. Cheers, Neil
  6. NEIL L

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Glad to 'hear' you got it going! :) One thing I've noticed with the volume control, if it's set at 50 (as an example) a lot of the games run at half their original volume. This doesn't work with everything though. (MAME doesn't, I wished it did. :( ) Cheers, Neil Edit: Has anybody...
  7. NEIL L

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    I got sounds on mine, you should have a speaker on the bottom bar (& volume 0-100), if not try redownloading and reinstalling. :) Cheers, Neil
  8. NEIL L

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Thanks a lot for all your hard work chp, this has made everybody's Wiz's very happy (and their owners!) :) Version 2.1 of Win2X works fine with the new firmware (v1.2.0), but I couldn't get the above backup & restore .gpe's (above) to work. :( Cheers, Neil
  9. NEIL L

    New Firmware (V. 1.2.0) Out Now!

    Please don't download this! Sorry, I was just passing on some news. :( Hopefully the proper firmware won't be long, and the bugs have been sorted out. I just found this on the NewsWeeZ ( ) website: Wiz Firmware v. 1.2.0 On the official Korean GPH...
  10. NEIL L

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Thanks for the quick reply, it's probably my fault as I've named all the programs (that I used the pollux set on) to pollux.gpe, I suppose the only way to fix this is to rename these files to all different names. :( Cheers, Neil
  11. NEIL L

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    I'm looking forward to the next release. :) One thing I've noticed is if you try to put 2 links with the same .gpe name into one of the folders (eg. games), the first one will be deleted when you put the second one in (even if you've changed the link name of the first one), the .gpe's are in...
  12. NEIL L

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    A shut down from the desktop would also be nice. :) (See here: ) Cheers, Neil
  13. NEIL L

    GP2X Gp2X Wiz - Tv-Out Finally Possible !

    If it was a GPH screen it would have a bloody great big diagonal line across it! :D On a more serious note: GPH seem do be doing some things with the Wiz, see mine and SONY's post here...
  14. NEIL L

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    I've just downloaded the Candy skin (from here:,0,0,0,50,284 ), this colour scheme is almost identical to the Win2X blue one. :) It's just a shame about the orange start up & shutdown screens. :( (Can these be changed?) Cheers, Neil
  15. NEIL L

    Oddysee 2?

    This ColecoVision emulator from ZX81 runs well:,0,0,0,71,196 Cheers, Neil
  16. NEIL L

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Thanks for that, if only GPH took as much notice to what the customers want! :) Cheers, Neil One little thing while I'm here, could a & be added to the keyboard to save space on link names/descriptions? (BTW. & shows up as _ in the explorer), and the U in item names looks a bit like a V
  17. NEIL L

    Wiz Support In Future?

    There might still be life left in the Wiz, I just read this on NewsWeeZ. (Here: along with pictures and a video) GPH 2010 Plans I thought to share a bit ‘of information that I have read around the web. No sure/confirmed news but better than nothing Soon...
  18. NEIL L

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    At the moment if you remove the SD card and replace it with a new one while the Wiz is on, it won't see the new card unless you restart the Wiz. I brought this up on an earlier post ( ), Squidge mentioned the mount/unmount...
  19. NEIL L

    Win2X : Alternative Frontend

    Thanks for taking my previous comments on board, one other thing I thought of is there a way to mount & unmount the SD cards (maybe with an option rather than having to turn the wiz off to change them) and is there a way (maybe an INI file) to get Win2X back after going to the old GP2X menu...
  20. NEIL L

    Gp2X Wiki Down?

    I just checked the above link and it seems fine now. :) But you need to be looking at the GP2X Wiz wiki page ( ) as the GP2X wiki page you linked above was for the previous handheld. Cheers, Neil