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  1. r00tw00t

    Sticky Situation

    Thanks Mali and Prometheus
  2. r00tw00t

    Sticky Situation

    Okay, what's going on? I only see this: "Posted Image Direct from TwitterIX " ^^ where is the image, where is the link?
  3. r00tw00t

    Sticky Situation

    is this a joke?
  4. r00tw00t

    Pandora Price Again?

    I think Mr. Borg knows that HTC Desire != A Pandora. But I agree. Empty threats. He loves us to much to quit now
  5. r00tw00t

    Daily Updates?

    Welcome to the forums! :D
  6. r00tw00t

    Apple Buying Arm(?)

    As an antitheist I must then believe it will :'(
  7. r00tw00t

    Apple Buying Arm(?)

  8. r00tw00t

    Apple Buying Arm(?)

    According to this article Apple is trying to buy ARM. What would this do to a eventually Pandora 2?
  9. r00tw00t

    Playing Html5 Games On Pandora

    html5? i can hear adobe flash cry
  10. r00tw00t

    Iphone 4G

    No, I haven't. But that's kind of sad. Well, who knows. Publicity stunt or not, they got publicity now alright.
  11. r00tw00t

    Iphone 4G

    If it's a publicity stunt why would Apple want Gizmodo to have it?
  12. r00tw00t

    Real Eta Please!?

    The vulcano had another bigger eruption and a new cloud heading over UK. ETA: Unkown
  13. r00tw00t


    it will. without any problems :) edit: on second thought. Don't quote me on that. Maybe ED or someone can confirm?
  14. r00tw00t

    Dosbox Games You're Looking Forward To

    Dark Forces <- one of the top games of the 90s I'm also keeping an eye on this engine: and hoping it will become open source one day
  15. r00tw00t

    Dosbox Games You're Looking Forward To

    gl hf running dungenon keeper at a enjoyable speed
  16. r00tw00t

    Fellow Pre-Orderers: Reveal Yourselves

    i found it odd that a photo of a girl gets any special interest at all. but. im not a nerd edit: infact. I feel kind of sad for those people who tries to get hers attention and trying to impress her
  17. r00tw00t

    Fully Assembled Production Samples

    :o It looks so good! Just like me!
  18. r00tw00t

    New Pictarss

    When I see pictures like this I'm reminded of why I haven't canceled my order. It looks so beautiful
  19. r00tw00t

    New Blog Post!

    I knew it, they clone everything. Everything from China is fake!!