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  • Users: hmw
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  1. H

    GP2X My Software Triangle Rasterizer

    Yes, Vincent 2.0 has a shading language compiler (which I am currently debugging). You are right about the need for floating support; at least 16-bit floating point numbers for the rasterizer and downstream. My primary target for Vincent 2.0 are actually FPGA based systems, and I have those...
  2. H

    GP2X My Software Triangle Rasterizer

    Yes, Vincent is also using the block-based approach; by default it uses 4*4 tiles. If you look into the source code linked from my post above, there is a comment "perform Mipmap calculation". I don't think the interpolation is the problem, that's actually the main advantage of this approach...
  3. H

    GP2X Opengl For The Gp2x

    Now, coming back to the technical side. How do you plan to achieve performance in your rasterizer given the many options the OpenGL spec. forsees: Scanline building-block routines like Mesa? A specific rasterizer for every possible combination (like PocketGL)? Runtime code generation (like...
  4. H

    GP2X Opengl For The Gp2x

    That was exactly my point. As said, one such letter lead to Daniel having to rename "SoftGL" to "Klimt", and whatever I had been using before to "Vincent". So the point is, yes, there are folks in SGI legal department having time for this, and particular in the presence of a sell-out "protecting...
  5. H

    GP2X Opengl For The Gp2x

    There a a bunch of posts about "OpenGL" implementations in this forum. I just thought it might be helpful for evryone to understand that there is a whole series of requirements around the correct use of this term. If not and somebody in SGI's legal departments has nothing better to do, it can...
  6. H

    GP2X Vincent Opengl Es 1.1 Implementation

    Based on the postings in this forum, I don't think there is much 3D game development for the gp2x going on in general; regardless of the 3d lib used as the backend. So I don't think anybody used Vincent/Klimt/TinyGL/whatever even just to develop a 3d game concept at this point. - HM
  7. H

    GP2X Vincent Opengl Es 1.1 Implementation

    BTW, here's an overview of interesting OSS projects around OpenGL ES that I presented during the Khronos TechTalks as Siggraph. Concerning an implementation of the OpenGL ES 2.x API mentioned in those slides: I probably won't have the time to work on a gp2x port myself, but if anyone is...
  8. H

    GP2X Vincent Opengl Es 1.1 Implementation

    You can download the Vincent binaries for gp2x from the sourceforge web site. - HM
  9. H

    GP2X 3d Engine Demonstration Challenge

    That's me, BTW... ;) case you have questions or so...
  10. H

    GP2X 3d Engine Demonstration Challenge

    For Pocket PCs, there is a discussion on swizzling in this thread. - hm
  11. H

    GP2X Vincent For Gp2x Alpha

    There was a racing game done as part of the OpenGL ES coding competition last year; look for "Wake Water Breaker" on the bottom of the OpenGL ES Resources Page. If I remember correctly, the entry was developed for Symbian phones, but porting it over should not be that difficult. - HM
  12. H

    GP2X Vincent For Gp2x Alpha

    The gp2x version is now on Sourceforge. You can check it out from Subversion. - HM
  13. H

    GP2X Vincent For Gp2x Alpha

    I am currently preparing a new release on sourceforge, but in the meantime you can grab the code for the upcoming release from the web page here: It's probably now the point where others can start joining for style improvements, speedup, SDL...
  14. H

    GP2X Vincent For Gp2x Alpha

    Well, yes, you'll still be able to use direct access. - HM
  15. H

    GP2X Vincent For Gp2x Alpha

    Well, as you have seen, the whole interface to rendering surfaces is wrapped into the EGL layer and the surface class (egl.cpp, Surface.cpp). My personal first choice is still Paeryn's hardware accelerated SDL because SDL as a whole is a more complete and documented platform for porting games...
  16. H

    GP2X Vincent For Gp2x Alpha

    Yeah, right... until it's YOUR code that produces over/underflows in fixed point that you haven't seen on the desktop version you have been porting over... ;) - HM
  17. H

    GP2X Vincent For Gp2x Alpha

    What kind of file format are you using? And did my previous post concerning the data structures make any sense to you? I got the crashes resolved last night :) ; the remaining bugs should be fairly simple to fix. So the next build I am going to post later this week will have: * Reworked...