Just leave out the stick-click completely and have everyone do it like us dpad users with the select button.
Or switch to volume middle like it is starting to get standardised in recent apps.
Ahh, great to see you returning. I always thought it was a real pity that you left.
Even if you don't make any games at all, your expertise helps (and has helped) many others!
Some really nice games... even one that is fully 3D (and it's pretty good too) :)
Edit: Damn... it needs a "z" button for climbing and I guess that's supposed to be the stick-click which I don't have with a dpad :(
Thanks a lot for all these great new games!
Also ich benutze Paypal so in der Art einer "Prepaidkarte", denn automatischer Bankeinzug ist mir zu unsicher.
(d.h ich überweise von Hand Geld auf mein Paypal Konto.)
Ich überweise aber immer nur maximal 50€ da man immer wieder hört das Paypal ohne wirkliche Begründung Konten einfriert...
I am on Firmware 2.10 and as soon as I enable sound it either kicks me back into the menu during the loading process or loads completely but then just displays a black screen and all I can do is to turn of my GP2X (it depends on the game it seems).
No overclock btw. And the version before you...
Wärst du auch bereit deine Musik unter eine CreativeCommons Lizenz (möglichst CCA oder CCA-SA) zu stellen?
Wir von FreeGameArts (Link siehe sig) suchen nämlich jederzeit Sachen die wir unserer Datenbank hinzufügen können :)
P.S.: Wir haben jetzt auch unser eigenes Forum ;)
I would vote for dosbox or PC-Engine.
Or you could talk to the author of FreeDO how he uses the videochip as a co-processor and try to implement that in the psx emu ;)
Yeah no sound here either, but the second core seems to run as it freezes on anything above 250Mhz as all programms that use the second cpu do on my GP2x.
I think we really should start using the phrase "doing a GPH" as a way of saying "I can't believe someone just did something THAT stupid" :D
But atleast it is possible to connect the power socket while docked, but that is probably just by accident :P
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