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  1. G

    Turboexpress Prices Might Start Dropping On Ebay

    i have a turbo express and a gp with a shed load of pc engine games, but for the life of me i can not bring myself to sell my pc engine. its daft i know, its just packed away in the box on a shelf, but its sooo cool i will just hang on it....i got it bad i know : )
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    Thinking Of Selling The Gp

    hii all!!! quick question....if i sell my gp32 to someone, how do they go about using it with their pc? are there issues with it already beinig registered to myself or is there a simple way around it? would they also be able to buy games onliine etc? thanks gary
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    Fgen32 Video Sonic 1 With Sound!

    aww c'mon! sound adds so much to a game! pls, stop being so none encouraging, this is good progress. until a short while ago we were all dieing for a genesis emu, now we have 2 on the go, encourage them both. good work and good luck to all!!! Gary
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    seems like a good piece of kit and potential is massive, just needs to gather momentum like the gp did and i'll get one. forums dont seem as good as the gp comunity - thats no reason not to get one tho
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    I'm Sorry

    *chuckle*...opps...sorry : )
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    The Current State Of The Scene

    i too have lurked the zed boards and they really are a different group of people...totally different attitudes! not as nice as the gp community at all. if solid emulation does come of the zed, then i'll get one - it doesnt mean i have to talk to them...i just wanna play the games at the end of...
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    Opensnes9xz Released

    yeh, lets not do the whole sega vs nintendo thing! i only own a gp but constntly monitor the Zed's progress. what with the 68000 emu dev and things like a beetter snes potential, people would be stupid to ignore it. if final burn happens for smaller RAM games ll be getting one. also, dev works...
  8. G

    Fgen 'weekend' Working Games?

    strider works pretty nice sonic 1 is good sonic wings - black screen gunstar - black after sega logo thats all i can remember at the mo....a good solid 1st release tho - shows real promise...cant wait to see how it continues.
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    Can I Use

    Eh?....i have these ports too but have never explored using them for my GP32 card. Daz_Genetic any chance you could explain in a little more detail what you mean, your answer confused me a sorry for being stupid....its friday! thanks Gary
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    Capital One!!!!!!

    ditch the card...if you aint got the cash in your hand, dont get it. it only leads to more problems :o
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    Quick Joystick Fix

    sounds good - i will give it a go. my joystick is utter crap for shooters, just cant hit the diagonals and i didnt really want to send it to MASHMODS so this is worth a try. cheers
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    Who Fancies A Challenge?

  13. G

    Remember The Gp32 Light Kit Like Thingy??

    is this an image you have found? where from? looks like a nice and tidy add on - i'd buy one if they came available.
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    Pc Engine Emu Question

    even as a purist, i'd rather have a slightly out of pro display if it meant i could make use of the whole of the GP's screen. The master system & NES emu's are so much better for this option.
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    Pc Engine Emu Question

    i have been using gp engine for about 8 months now. its a solid emu with little to grumble about. but, i do have 1 problem, it doesnt allow you to scale the game to full screen. i was wondering if any other pc engine emu allows you to do this? i cant seem to find any info on this specific...
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    Gp32 In Egm

    ha... good point
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    Gp32 In Egm

    i have to agree with Alpha2...its not that EGM are particularly bad at their job, its just they have a cut off date before the mag is printed. As with ANY game mag, by the time it hits the shelf, its out of date.
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    Pc-link Help

    is there an echo in here??? : )
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    Pc-link Help

    hi, i had this problem last week - after connecting my gp to my pc for the 1st time since i upgraded to XP. the problem was that i had not reinstalled my gp32 drivers. maybe reinstall them and try again - hope this helps gary
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    Is Competition Time Approaching Again?

    i'd happily donate a huge box of 8-bit games - winner can choose platform - spec,c64 and amstrad. would be about 100 games hope this gets the ball rolling for others to consider donations this is a great scene with lots happening - ill give back in any way i can c'mon everyone - lets get a...