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  1. E

    Gp2x Discussion On Bbc Radio 6 Music

    You forgot to add, "in my opinion". What you wrote is not true just because you think it is true. For example, I think that the BBC's online new service is excellent. I suspect that around the world it is respected more than just about any other news site.
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    GP2X [rant] Why Isn't Gph Embracing The Dev Community?

    It's hard to speculate about the relationship between GPH and DignSys without knowing the details of the contract, but at least one of the parties must release the source code each time the release a new version of the firmware. There is no doubt at all about that. Well, people are bricking...
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    GP2X [rant] Why Isn't Gph Embracing The Dev Community?

    This may all be true, but it doesn't relate even slightly to the GPL. Calling people who respect the GPL "whining Linux geeks" doesn't affect GPH's obligations under the GPL either. I don't think of myself as a "whining" anything, but I've gained enormously from GPLed software (and not just...
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    GP2X [rant] Why Isn't Gph Embracing The Dev Community?

    Why? GPH don't have to put the code on CVS and if they decide to do so, they don't have to accept anyone's suggestions. The point is that making the up-to-date code available lets someone else put up a CVS server and accept updates, if they choose to do so. This isn't a practical matter and it...
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    "early Adoptors" Bonus Items?

    Did they define "early"? Perhaps they meant the first five. I know some people got some extras. I just got my GP2X and a CD. And I'm very, very happy with what I got!
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    Cd That Comes With The Gp2x?

    No doubt you can back up this assertion with an example?
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    External Power Supply

    For UK readers. I just bought one of these: I got it from John Lewis, not from Amazon. It works perfectly, using the smallest of the supplied plugs. The polarity is switchable by changing the way the lead connects to the plug - it's very simple. My GP2X feels a oddly light without batteries in...
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    GP2X Gp2x App Shows Black Screen Then Returns To Menu

    Hiya. My stuff is all Linux based. Which set of libs are you using? I'm using the open2x compiler set and libs from theoddbot. Wait just one minute. Did you say "SDL_Mixer.h" or "SDL_mixer.h"? The latter is correct, the former won't work. Andrew
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    GP2X Bastardshell 0.1

    This is very weird because I was just thinking about this after showing some of my little games to a friend on New Year's Eve. She had some fun playing the games but couldn't work out how to re-start them when they dropped back to the menu.I thought of something exactly like what you described...
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    GP2X Gp2x App Shows Black Screen Then Returns To Menu

    It doesn't actually use a makefile, but grab Space Invasion. It includes full source and a script called "buildit" which I use for building my programs. It's a messy way of doing it but it works and should be pretty clear. Space Invasion download
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    GP2X Gp2x App Shows Black Screen Then Returns To Menu

    Sounds like what I get if I try to initialize SDL video with something that the GP2X can't do. However, to start with I would strongly recommend buiding everything as static so as to be able to exclude issues with the libs installed on the GP2X. Everything I've done so far is compiled...
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    GP2X Program To Test Davec's Joystick Configurations

    Just a quick word of thanks for this program and now for the source code. After running the program on my GP2X I quickly identified a problem with the one-axis movement in my programs. Because of the imprecision of the joystick I was allowing the player to move if she hit any of the three...
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    GP2X Using Sdl_mixer

    All of my games open the audio like this: if(Mix_OpenAudio(MIX_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY, AUDIO_S16, MIX_DEFAULT_CHANNELS, 128) < 0) { printf("Unable to open audio!\n"); exit(1); } This works fine for oggs and wavs, but I've not tried any other format. Then I do this: Mix_Chunk...
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    Got It, Yay, But No Idea How To Make Anything Work

    Yes, the batteries that it comes with are hopeless. As are any non-rechargeables, really. In general, the GP2X will fail in odd ways when the batteries give out. My advice would be: (1) Do NOT attempt to upgrade the firmware with dodgy batteries. (2) Don't pay any attention to its performance...
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    GP2X Help Compiling Under Linux

    I use open2x for my tool chain and thoddbot's libs package. I just whacked them all into a directory named open2x in my home directory. So my compiler is to be found in /home/andyw/open2x/tool-chain/ and the libs are to be found in /home/andyw/open2x/theoddbot-libs-open2x-soft-float/ I've...
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    Something For The Holidays

    Very nice indeed! Thanks.
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    I Need Some Help Getting My 2x To Recognize Card

    I think it works fine under Linux. But I can't make it work under Windows or Mac OSX. I just use a card-reader if I'm away from my linux box.
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    Space Invasion

    I've made a small update to make the game somewhat more difficult (more invaders on each screen) and to add some copyright information to the source files.
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    Space Invasion

    I started at the University of Bolton (then it was Bolton Institute of course) in January 2002. The first day I was at work when it didn't rain was in March 2002!
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    Space Invasion

    Well, I live in Manchester and I haven't been in to Bolton since Monday. So, I'll have to guess that it was rainy in "sunny Bolton". It's usually a reasonable bet! What were you doing in Bolton?