realy? well I just used a usb cable and it worked.... from Ubuntu I copied the file to the /Pandora/media/mmcblk1p1 map or something like that I think... I´ll give a better answer when I get home and can check it more exactly.
It took forever thou, so I had to let it be on thru the night...
After "Googeling" a little it seams it would be the system files that has become corrupt on the SD... if so how would I repair it? Should there be a backup copy somewhere like it says here:
Edit: made a link to a...
Last night I transfered a psx image about 500-600MB large thru a usb cable to my SD card that was sitting in my pandora and this morning I added a N64 rom that was 12MB. I the brought the pandora with me and now when I try to access the SD card I get: Unable to Mount "RICOHDCX": mount...
I my self live in Tibro and know 2 other guys that will get panadoras. one in Tibro like me and one in the close by town called Skövde
Might be intrested to meet up, if it sounds like there will be some more people.
ps. I got my Pandora today :)
ok, my conformation mail was sent 30 september 2008 16:25:33 thats GMT+1 (swedish time).
and as I said got my "sent" email 16 juni 2010 15:57:00 (summertime) ... GMT+1 or 2 if GMT does not account for summertime.
Well, you made a greate Atari st emulator for the GP32 (never bought an gp2x) so I think your "half pet" things are verry appreciated (had to google how to spell appreciated :P) but I guess more people grew up with the snes so thats probably why you get more questions about that right now.
I my...
born 1974 .... and you are x years and 1 day + or - or both ? :lol:
also, congratulations in advance :)
Edit: meaning if I´m younger you were born 9:th and if older you were born 11:th... just kidding... or trying to.
Do anyone know if there are stickers that tell what type of power connection that should be used.... that you can buy somewhere?
Thinking about the future if someone gets a secondhand pandora and breakes the power supply.
(or just forget wich power adapter they used for the product)
If they...
I would not have asked them about my position if I didn´t have contact them anyway and ask them to change my adress.
But now that I had to contact them anyway I thought it would be nice to know a little more so I asked.
30 september 2008 16:25:33
between 300-400
I live in sweden and I don´t know if the timestamp is from their time or swedish time.
But it should ony be one hour it differ if it is according to my time.
Could you guys who got a response tell what time and date your confirmation email was sent when you first orderd? would help us other to see somewhat where we might be without having to bother the Pandora people.
Ok... I thought I was already on that list... but I guess not then.
Guess the emails I´v got before was just becuse I bought a gp32 from them a long time ago then...
Thanx for giving a good reply thou. :)
Guess you took mine :P
anyway ... sorry if I have missed something, but I still haven´t got the email... was it supposed to go out to every preorderer?
if so I hope I´m still in the system somewhere cuse it´s a little bit worrying not to resive what I guess I´m supposed to have.
I could not find "Wing Commander: Privateer Gemini Gold" on the wiki.
is it a possible request?
the source code is here I think:
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