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  1. Ksmiler

    GP32 Trouble With Structs

    Thanks for the tip no_skill. :) Also, my file extensions are .c and my makefile calls gcc. typedef struct{ int x, y; }foo; Just curious but how would I be able to initialise this at declaration time?
  2. Ksmiler

    GP32 Trouble With Structs

    I am using C.
  3. Ksmiler

    GP32 Trouble With Structs

    THe value I get from KeyObj[1]._value is 0. As you can see, there is nothing in the predefined struct array which has this value. It like it didnt pick up a value at all :(
  4. Ksmiler

    GP32 Trouble With Structs

    I'm having trouble reading values from an array of predefined structs. Here's the code containing the structs' information and its data. This is stored in an .h file #define OBJRKEY 100 #define OBJGKEY 200 #define OBJBKEY 300 #define OBJYKEY 400 struct tKEYOBJ { int _pX; int _pY; int...
  5. Ksmiler

    Dowload My Games

    Gah, cant access site... gotta wait, gotta wait... :huh:
  6. Ksmiler

    Offical Games

    Hey Aldur, To my knowledge, boxed games come boxed with an smc card in them. On this smc card is the game you purchased from them. You can get them from the sites that Vimacs mentioned. In my mind, I think its a waste of time getting boxed games. You can easily purchase the game from...
  7. Ksmiler

    GP32 New Coders

    I think that most people with no experience in programming would find it hard to code directly aimed for the gp32_console . Good on u godgnome in programming for it using only Rico's tutorials ;) , but you might find that doing some basic test projects aimed for the PC then moving/porting them...
  8. Ksmiler

    How Can I Start Gp32linux???

    You can get it from here.
  9. Ksmiler


    Hey, did anyone get the source code to work properly on thier GP32 using Devkitadv? Did this and got it to compile and play but when i fire, the game crashes or the screen will go funny then crash :huh:. Anyone know why? Here is my makefile. (No files have been altered except ones told to be...
  10. Ksmiler

    Moma's "eve"

    Sorry to be rude but there is also now a new section labeled "Other Consoles". Think this topic might be better in there ;)
  11. Ksmiler

    16bit Routines Issue
  12. Ksmiler

    GP32 Mr Mirkos For Windows

    :huh: How would u install and configure it (Mr Mirkos For Windows), if both devkitadv and Mr Mirkos For Windows were installed in a directory which was not C:\devkitadv and C:\gp32_MrMirko\? (My path to devkitadv bin directory is C:\Programming\GP32\devkitadv\bin and for Mr Mirkos For Windows...
  13. Ksmiler

    GP32 In Different Colors ?

    Ill have the opaque blue top with a transparent blue base flavour for me plz :)
  14. Ksmiler

    GP32 Mod Files Question

    Ahh, yes thats true. :( :lol: Sorry, forgot about that. Thanks!!
  15. Ksmiler

    Jwpce Port

    Thanks Makenai
  16. Ksmiler

    GP32 Mod Files Question

    Is there a way to retrieve the length or BPM of a MOD file using C coding? How can this be done using GP32-SDL or the custom GP32 MikPlay library? If anyone can point to source code available with answer, that would be a real help. Thanks for reading :)
  17. Ksmiler

    Jwpce Port

    I use Jwpce a lot for my japanese typing. I asked the author of GPnese if he planned to release his source code for it. He said he will but nothing happened. I wanna try to port it + also use his sources for loading the font and the dictonary also used in Jwpce.
  18. Ksmiler

    Exciting News From Shibuya Interactive

    European Launch? Sorry but im getting sick of waiting to buy a european gp32..... Oops, too late. Ive brought a korean one now (2 months ago). :D Thanks GBAX for the xmas card too. So do u think that this launch will go ahead or not? Im annoyed of waiting and waiting to find out. :( (I say...
  19. Ksmiler

    The Hentai Novel Is Out!!!!!!!!

    Great! Cant wait for more! Ayako got dressed really quickly didnt she :P. And the lady at the end of story scared me. Didnt expect her to appear :o
  20. Ksmiler

    plz help plz!

    Press and hold select when turning on your gp32 to get menu again. Then press B to set a new bios as default or press a to load a bios.