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  1. Hotcooler

    Will A Comprehensive Manual Be Included?

    Where's the Wiki option? xD I'd personaly like to have wiki like manual.
  2. Hotcooler


    And unlike SETI - it have GPU support.
  3. Hotcooler

    Keyboard Poll, Finally!

    cosurgi Paper model is based not on final design. So It may be quite different. QUOTE Whether the dev's agree is another matter, but it does seem like they might take some notice or some ideas. Agreed. And actually I dont really complain about keyboard. Just because I can pretty much predict...
  4. Hotcooler

    Keyboard Poll, Finally!

    Actually I've always said that polls are nothing like reality, but I voted for what I wanted. Actually I dont really care that much. I'd like to have CYR letters on the keyboard, but that's probably not gonna happen (wich I pretty much knew from the start xD) First off I'd like to see real...
  5. Hotcooler

    A Shipping Question

    That's exactly one thing I dont know. I suppose since it has cvc2 and all other stuff like expiration date and serial number on it, it should work fine. But I hoped to see some feedback from maybe users of such cards xD The whole card thing is not so popular in Russia. (Most people are feeling...
  6. Hotcooler

    A Shipping Question

    Cant find my old thread about payment and shipping. I have a Master Card Virtual - will it be good enough to pay for pandora?
  7. Hotcooler

    Keyboard Layout - Prepare Voting Pool.

    Gilrad - Pandora is different. It's not that you are moved into another country and have to use keyboard without your language. For example in Russia we use russian language pretty often xD So it will be pain in the arse to type "Я" for example using "ya". After that I'll just stop posting on...
  8. Hotcooler

    Keyboard Layout And Durability

    IMO when you hold a letter button you should ger this char releatedly, not it's accent. P.S. I tried printing and tapping previous's page layouts. Two of them are good. But IMO mine is a bit better, but only because you dont need to relearn too much (for exaple trying to find "Я" on there)...
  9. Hotcooler

    Keyboard Layout And Durability

    I can Suggest tis one. It's more like standard, but pretty much with the same issues. Charecters after "/" is accented ones. I moved "Ь" "Ъ" "Э" to the corners, so the may not be printed, but memorised. "Ъ" and "Ь" are in the same respective row and corner. "Э" is moved under accent just...
  10. Hotcooler

    Keyboard Layout And Durability

    Kagato Pretty good layout. I think we can stick with it. There will be some discomfort for some time (because "Й" usually mapped to "Q", "Ф" usually mapped to "A" e.t.c.) but since the keyboard is small, it's pretty much the best way.
  11. Hotcooler

    Pandora Warranty & Shopping Information Request

    I have another question. Can I pay with MasterCard Virtual ? Or it's better to have Visa Virtual ? I'm making a card now and I need to choose wich one to make xD
  12. Hotcooler

    Keyboard Layout And Durability

    Kagato - I like that layout. It's pretty good and it will cover all the needed chars for most languages. P.S. It may be a good Idea how to change layouts. Not just cycle them but press FN-ALTGR and a specific key. For example Fn-Alt-A for arabic e.t.c.
  13. Hotcooler

    Keyboard Layout And Durability

    Here's a pretty good examples how to map Cyrrilic chars to the small keyboard. (I owned G900 for some time.) And that layout is pretty good. But since we have less keys... It will be rather difficuilt. This is another example - Another one - And another closer one - And another...
  14. Hotcooler

    Keyboard Layout And Durability

    I agree with that. And as I say. I'd like to have atleast stickers. But we need to make good layout for them too.
  15. Hotcooler

    Keyboard Layout And Durability

    Actually I dont think we need that much of 101keys mapped. I donwt think we need pgup,pgdown, altgr, some symbols like ~`| e.t.c. printed on the keypad. Tey are not commonly used in basic typing. Plus I think it will be good to have a keypad "to rule them all". Just because there is plenty of...
  16. Hotcooler

    Keyboard Layout And Durability

    [size=8] For example if you see something loke this "IБ ТНIБ ТЯIP ЯEДГГУ ИEСEББДЯУ ?" and dont know english and faux cyrillic - you're messed up. This is spelled like "ib tnib tyair yadggu iyesebbdyau" so you get the feeling xD And you'll never guess that this actually means "IS THIS TRIP REALLY...
  17. Hotcooler

    Pandora Warranty & Shopping Information Request

    I actually read that post. But since I never bought a GP2X.. and since there is no Russia under the checkout on the site.. I was wondering about payment methots aviable to Russia residents. I guess credit\debet card. But maybe something else? And I'm wondering if it will be possible to even...
  18. Hotcooler

    Pandora Warranty & Shopping Information Request

    Since the thread is created I'll ask what payment methods will be aviable and what type of shipping (DHL, Express mail e.t.c.) can I order to Russia and how much it will cost (theoretically)?