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  1. DJRoby4

    Apple Ii Emu For Caanoo?

    2043 counting all the duplicates such as version b or similiar things....
  2. DJRoby4

    Apple Ii Emu For Caanoo?

    Yes, the c64 is not optimized AT ALL. Trust me, there are just a few mame roms for mame4all...
  3. DJRoby4

    Apple Ii Emu For Caanoo?

    Actually the mame compatibility is very bad. We have version 0.36b or something similiar and now mame is at version 0.145. This is why we need mame, FBA, cps2, gngeo, neogeo cd and so on. Cause the mame compatibility is really really bad. C64 is just horrible, I just can't understand that it has...
  4. DJRoby4

    Apple Ii Emu For Caanoo?

    Well, there are a lot of gaps. Starting with PanMame and Fba2x (the updated version). For this two emulators we already donated 2 caanoos (we are going to send them), there are a lot of emus. The c64 emu is really bad, dosbox is bad and some emulators aren't avaiable for the caanoo for example...
  5. DJRoby4

    Apple Ii Emu For Caanoo?

    Maybe donating a caanoo to the developer of the pandora emu... but we need more important emulators for now...
  6. DJRoby4

    [Tuto] - Launching Your Games With Ginge

    Ok, got it... the files of the game must be where startup.gpe is... not in the ginge folder... :D
  7. DJRoby4

    [Caanoo/wiz] Pcsx Rearmed R14

    I think r14 is the better version... this sounds strange....
  8. DJRoby4

    Streets Of Rage Remake V5 (Finally!)

    Well, mine version doesn't get past to the press start screen but I don't know if it is a firmware, a bennu, or a game problem... :S
  9. DJRoby4

    Yamagi Quake2 Opengl-Es [Caanoo And Wiz]

    Doesn't seem to be fixed even in incognito mode... Here it is if you still have problems:,0,0,0,30,844
  10. DJRoby4

    Yamagi Quake2 Opengl-Es [Caanoo And Wiz]

    Broken Caanoo link (openpandora repo xD). Thanks for the port! :D I'll try it! :D
  11. DJRoby4

    Romset Cleaner

    One of the best retrogaming tools. I use it every time I put roms on the caanoo. Thanks a lot! :D
  12. DJRoby4

    What Video Formats Work

    This is curious... have you tried convert it in a caanoo - friendly resolution?
  13. DJRoby4

    Funny Fact!

    I think this is provocatory. With a psp with emus you get: - The most sucking controls of the gaming history - A horrible screen - A warrianty void - A laggy n64 emulator - A non-portable and horrible - looking device And these are just some of the reasons why I really don't like psp.
  14. DJRoby4

    Zelda Link To The Past On Caanoo Problem

    Thanks yoshi for the correction! :)
  15. DJRoby4

    [Tuto] - Launching Your Games With Ginge

    Sorry for bumping... but doesn't work for me... I save everything in unix file format (using Notepad PP) but when I execute the game with the bar in the menu shows up (for about 1 second) a ginge terminal where it's written that he is executing duke3d.gpe (want to play duke nukem 3d) but, even...
  16. DJRoby4

    Zelda Link To The Past On Caanoo Problem

    I'm really happy that you like the caanoo! :D It's the same for me! :D Just a little thing: the frameskip option is in all the emulators, it means that the emulator skips some frames to make the game run faster but, obviously, sometimes causes glitches! :D
  17. DJRoby4

    Zelda Link To The Past On Caanoo Problem

    Haven't played it but generally this problems are generated by the frameskip... have you tried to disable it? -Roberto
  18. DJRoby4

    Streets Of Rage Remake V5 (Finally!)

    How have you got it to work?
  19. DJRoby4

    Streets Of Rage Remake V5 (Finally!)

    My version doesn't want to go after "Press Start"