Search results

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    Requst for ATARI Jaguar

    Well, I'd love to play the Jag Version of play Alien vs Predator on my Pandora. Actually I often considered buying a Jaguar along with AvP on ebay, but the working units are really expensive there. I also liked the Jag version of Wolfenstein over the PC Version. It had more Weapons and better...
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    Dosbox - room for optimization?

    So there are people out there who actually liked this great and underrated game maybe as much as myself? Although I never expected it to work smooth on the pandora I had my hopes...well, I've learned my lesson in early january when I received my Pandora, too bad. I never tried this qemu thing...
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    Release Mupen64Plus new version runs Zelda OOT and much more !!

    I totally agree with on this one.
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    Release Mupen64Plus new version runs Zelda OOT and much more !!

    Hi Gruso and thanks for your comment. I really didn't mean to demand anything here. Even I were speaking directly to the responsible person I wouldn't do something like that. I just wanted to make sure that there are issues apart from performance and compatibility which could be taken care of in...
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    Release Mupen64Plus new version runs Zelda OOT and much more !!

    While there is some really great improvement being achieved lately I cannot quite understand why it seems impossible to fix two big issues: 1) The Hotkeys cannot be redefined, so there is no possibility to save or load a state except you enable a windowed mode and do it via the menu entries...
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    Release Pcsx-Rearmed

    The pal version works fine for me on r5 using the scph1001 bios.
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    Release Pcsx-Rearmed

    Ok, this solves all of my problems remaining problems so far. Thank you and thanks a lot for the great work notaz.
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    Release Pcsx-Rearmed

    Hi and thanks for the new build. I seem to have missed r4 since I didn't know about this thread. I would like to add my compatibility issues here, just to let you know. They didn't change at all between r3 and r5 (yes, I deleted the corresponding appdata-folder). 1) Diablo: Still starts fine...
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    Hi, I first learned about PSPDisp while browsing the news on maxconsole a few days ago. I tried it and it worked fine on my PSP Slim&Lite. It's really fast, I didnt't try the sound streaming yet though. It also states that the full source was included in the download, so could it be...
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    hg clone, mercurial, v4l-dvb and completely new to linux

    Okay, I solved the libgettextsrc-related problem. Got a new one though: Again trying the "make install"-command I get [...] ../arm-angstrom-linux-gnuabi/bin/ld: cannot find -lpython2.6 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status error: command 'arm-angstrom-linux-gnuabi-gcc' failed with exit...
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    hg clone, mercurial, v4l-dvb and completely new to linux

    I already followed the instructions here and skipped the gles and sdl stuff as I thougth this won't be neede in my case. Now the make install command in order to compile and install mercurial leads to an error: python build running build...
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    hg clone, mercurial, v4l-dvb and completely new to linux

    Thanks a lot, I'll give it a try. EDIT: Ok, I managed to install python but the "make"-command (needed to install mercurial) is supposed to be unknown. Am I missing some kind of compiler-environment here?
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    hg clone, mercurial, v4l-dvb and completely new to linux

    Hi, I'm trying to use the information of this website in order to make my PCTV Nanostick work on my Pandora. Too bad I'm a complete newbie to linux and the command "hg clone" doesn't seem to work at all. After some further webinvestigations I...
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    hg clone, mercurial, v4l-dvb und keine Ahnung von Linux...

    Hallo, ich versuche mit den Infos von hier meinen PCTV Nanostick auf der Pandora zum laufen zu kriegen. Leider habe ich von Linux absolut keine Ahnung und der Befehl "hg clone ..." funktioniert schon mal gar nicht. Darauf hin habe ich herausgefunden, dass...
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    Alle Nubs sind fertig! (2011 - 01 - 11)

    Boah, das ging dann am Schluss sogar schneller als erwartet: Oh Mann, nach so langer Wartezeit. Hätte ich zur Zeit nicht soviel Streß auf der Arbeit und mit unserer Kleinen würde ich glaube ich die Nacht durchmachen und morgen frei nehmen. Bin echt super gespannt auf meine p&|a Vielen Dank...
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    One day late but more goodies instead

    It is really not that good. And considering you did have french in school and that your english is supposed to be much better than your french...I just hope you'll never post anything in french here or over on the german board Matze :rolleyes: . Edit: And I seriously doubt that the term...
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    Ein Tag zuspät, aber dafür mehr Geschenke

    1) Es hieß zuletzt tatsächlich, dass 350+ Boards geschickt wurden. 2) Craig hat die Dinger seit Mittwoch oder Donnerstag. Es hieß mal, er schafft bis zu 200 pro Tag wenn sie mal da sind (Zeit für Vorbereitungen gab es ja nun wohl dicke genug). In Topform hätte er bis heute 800 bis 1000 fertig...
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    Ein Tag zuspät, aber dafür mehr Geschenke

    Bin ich der einzige der sich vorstellen kann, dass die boards noch nicht in England angekommen sind? Hatten die nicht auch Probleme an den Flughäfen? Matze sagt ja auch schon ganz richtig, dass der Zoll eventuell noch mit reinspielen könnte. Eine Sache die ich allerdings genauso einschätze bei...
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    Moving forward! (2010-12-17)

    Well, this could really be good news. But after everything that has been told (and not done) by this company I'll better hold my breath until late Tuesday I guess. Good to hear your feeling better again ED, that's all that should matter now.
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    No reason to bash (2010-12-15)

    By the way: - 500 boards were supposed to be "half finished" on friday - Wednesday is almost over now When will the next 500 finished and tested boards finally leave this factory? I can't really see this going faster now, no reasen to get optimistic for me. Each step has literally taken...