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  1. F

    Video Player Alternative?

    Alex, re-encoding will take ages on my slow laptop :( GPH, you said xvid, mpg4, & wmv are supported :angry:
  2. F

    Video Player Alternative?

    GPH Video Player cannot play any of my avi files (all are xvid)!!! So, I installed MP2X and it plays well on LCD, but the TV output is not that good. So, is there an alternative player with better TV output? PS: why GPH is doing this to us :(
  3. F

    3do Emulator Maybe?...

    Sorry to bring this old thread up, but I want to know if anything has been done on this emu.
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    Snes Emulation Question

    I just downloaded SquidgeSNES v0.392 and have two roms not working with it! (Prince_of_Persia_2 & Seiken_Densetsu_3) They work VERY well on SNESgp2x though. Why coders don't compine the two emus to get a better one? Just want to add that Prince_of_Persia_2 does not show transparency and plays...
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    Rough Tv Output

    Do you mean your TV has s-video but you connected it to SCART? My TV has composite and component imputs only :(
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    Rough Tv Output

    I use it on 34" CRT TV with cable extension and composite gender. I tried PAL and NTCS and both look bad :(
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    Rough Tv Output

    I just got a TV-Out cable for my gp2x. I was really surprised by the VERY bad display it puts on the TV screen. Everything is pixelized with rough edges. Movies look ugly. Is this normal? What can I do to improve the output?
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    It looks wonderful. I'll try it when I get my gp2x this coming week ;)
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    New Port : Egoboo2x

    Good news. We need some screenshots!
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    "saddam Hussein Dead"

    How can you identify soldiers and employees who support and mingle with them in a battle field?! Ok, giving that you can identify them, what make them illegal targets? Suppose that USA invaded your country and brought civil employees as drivers to carry weapons, foods, etc. to the soldiers...
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    "saddam Hussein Dead"

    @Epicenter, people used to hear arguments like yours about Iraq back in 2003 and 2004. Nobody now believes in what you said. See, Egyptians heard similar claims from France on 1798. Iraqis heard similar things in 1920s from British. Same thing goes for Syria, Palestine, Algeria, etc. Please...
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    "saddam Hussein Dead"

    :lol: So, this is the image you have in your mind about Iraqi resistance?! I'm sure you also think the "invading power" is the one that builds the country and liberate the people! Please, don't tell me you are not brainwashed!
  13. F

    "saddam Hussein Dead"

    This is what you have been told on TV! There are lots of doubts about it. I'm almost sure that biological weapons case was one of the reasons to hang Saddam so quickly. Please, don't argue about something in mid-east while TV is your only source!
  14. F

    New Handheld Game Console?

    Yes, it is :) This thread has nothing to do with what GPH or GP will offer in their next generation on consoles. It is about a new console that I'm may invest in making it! The term '3D' was mentioned because the chipset I'm considering is called Vrender 3D.
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    New Handheld Game Console?

    @rokdcasbah, this topic is different!
  16. F

    New Handheld Game Console?

    Please notice this will be an open-source console, just like GP2X. So, SPS and DS are out!
  17. F

    New Handheld Game Console?

    What do you think about making a new handheld game console with Vrender 3D chipset? Not like GPX, but similar to GP2X. Do you think it will be expensive? Will coders port their codes to it?
  18. F

    Gp2x Packs?!

    Yah, the AC adapter and TV-out cable are more valuable than the extra items in the Value Pack.
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    "saddam Hussein Dead"

    Yah, something like a new Sykes-Pico Agreement!
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    "saddam Hussein Dead"

    What comedy?! Is what happening in Iraq comedy? Thousands and thousands have lost their lives in there and I think the last word you can say about this is COMEDY :angry: Iraq today is just very sad tragedy :(