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  1. M

    Quotes Thread For The Blog

    Is there any need of this thread anymore btw now there is the ultimate openpandora stalker?
  2. M

    How Many Complete Pandoras Have Shipped?

    Congrats, I will have to wait a small bit more :D
  3. M

    Beta Mupen64Plus

    Yeah I know and its awesome, but Id like to see some more vids
  4. M

    How Many Complete Pandoras Have Shipped?

    Ok that means my pandora will probably ship the end of the next week :D
  5. M

    How Many Complete Pandoras Have Shipped?

    How long did it take them to make that batch?
  6. M

    Beta Mupen64Plus

    If someone can make a vid of this running it would be really awesome
  7. M

    Current Delivery Progress In The First 1000?

    Id like to know that for 550-600
  8. M

    How Many Complete Pandoras Have Shipped?

    So I dont know what to think. Craig tweeted this some days ago: But I still dont know if this is 100 each day or that there will be 100 pandoras in total produced? So whats the actual average pandoras build each day? whats the actual average pandoras shipped each day? How many pandoras have...
  9. M

    I Got It!

    Cool Im almost at 1234 posts too :D
  10. M

    I Got It!

    Whut someone at 550-650 has a pandora underway already but not me? Im at 550-650 too. :(
  11. M

    Ups Missed Delivery

    Its you, looks centered to me
  12. M

    Ups Missed Delivery

    Ok, cool, have fun with your pandora and I hope it works.
  13. M

    I Got It!

    No email here too. But as there are only 100 out and Im number 600...
  14. M

    How To Link To Iphone 3Gs To Use 3G?

    There should be some tethering option in the OS already. I think its the Iphone OS limiting this. Check the Iphone appstore ( and apple) if there is any app for this (maybe jailbreak ??)
  15. M

    My Pandora Review

    The non-working display is only backlight ,isnt it? 2% isnt that bad, and as this are only the first pandoras and assembling will probably go alot better after another 100 I assume you can get it to 1% failure or even lower
  16. M

    I Got It!

    beatiful? The roads are horrible, ISPs suck, just like the jails and much more. Flanders is not that bad, but wallonia is horrible IMHO.
  17. M

    Ups Missed Delivery

    Congrats and really awesome your going to make a vid of it ,make some more vids of it though like playing games and emulators (like mupen64) , just show us some awesome stuff to make our wait some easier (or harder lol)
  18. M

    [SOLVED] Help With Wifi

    thats a DNS problem
  19. M

    Wandor (working title)

    I love that first one too
  20. M

    So Are The Batteries Tested At All?

    Pawprints pandora has been charging for many hours. According to what I heard it charged then the min menu for charging popped up and then it turned off immediatly. Please come online on the IRC (#openpandora, freenode)