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    Compiling Kernel Modules on the Pandora Itself?

    Cheers mate, That gets me a bit further. I'll post back if I run into any further issues. Thanks again. Dave.
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    Compiling Kernel Modules on the Pandora Itself?

    Hi All, Has anyone managed to compile custom kernel modules on the Pandora itself? So far I've got the following:  - git clone git://  - linked pandora-kernel to /lib/modules/build/  - changed ARCH=arm and KVER=3.2.45 in Makefile for my module...
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    rtl8188eu USB Adaptor Driver

    Hi All, Wondering if we could get the rtl8188eu module added to SuperZaxxon for the next release? There's source available for Raspberry Pi here: If it can't be included I'll try and get it to compile on my Pandora and post the resulting .ko here for...
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    A Query About Game Engines And Timers

    I might have to try this. I've never touched threading in C++ (only in C#) so I'm not too sure what is involved. It is definitely worth thinking about though.
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    A Query About Game Engines And Timers

    OK Cool, I will try wiring in the Ticks values into the engine and changing the Object template class to use OnLoop(int ticks) to pass the values across. Cheers, Timbobsteve.
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    A Query About Game Engines And Timers

    Hi All, Just a quick query to see how everyone else manages timers in their own code. Let me give some background. Currently I have a sprite class that loads in a descriptor file that tells it what sprite-sheet to use, the number of frames, the frame-rate, the dimensions of each frame on the...
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    To The Other Noob Programmers Out There...

    I started on C# with C++ being the holy-grail of programming when I was 13. I moved on and did C/C++ on and off for about 7 years now... so I'm somewhat comfortable with it. I've tried using pyGame on occasions because its supposed to be so much simpler, but I prefer C++ syntax and often just...
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    To The Other Noob Programmers Out There...

    I'm all for that. I've never really been part of a group project, so I'm pretty much oblivious to working on code within a group. I'm sure coding as a group comes with some pretty large problems, especially for newbie coders, so it would probably be better to get a mix of beginner and...
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    To The Other Noob Programmers Out There...

    Yeh this can be a major hurdle. In procedural game programming (before OOP) I believe globals were used left-right and centre (just take a look at the Quake 1 source code :P ). It was just the way it was done. It was from this paradigm that OOP was born though and it is a really good way to get...
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    To The Other Noob Programmers Out There...

    Damn... about 8 years too late to listen in Maths class. Yes.. it's true.. I'm a 26 year-old that struggles with basic geometry :( Not my finest quality :P
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    Entities / Animations / Sprites

    Hi Butterman, That's pretty much identical to what I was starting to implement, except I wouldn't parse each frame as a separate file, I'd instead have 1 sprite-sheet for each animation (e.g walk, jump, idle). So it looks like this method isn't as crazy as I first thought :P Cheers, Dave /...
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    Entities / Animations / Sprites

    Hi All, I'm currently trying to extend my little SDL demo to include animations and I'm wondering how best to implement the classes to achieve this. Currently I have the following: Engine Entity Player The Engine runs the game loop and has a member "vector<Entity*> EntityList". On each loop...
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    To The Other Noob Programmers Out There...

    Hi All, Some might know me from my suggestions in the "I'm a Noob.." thread started earlier. My name is David and I've been attempting to write a game(s) since the GP2X days. When the GP2X came out I knew nothing at all, except for a little C# (which is useless on linux... and no.. Mono is not...
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    Ok I Am A Noob. How Can I Contribute To Development Games Software And

    RE: Higher-Level stuff I asked myself the same question last week. I struggled to find any engines that I liked, maunly down to lack of documentatio (read: beginner tutorials), not being C++ which is my preferred language or not being linux-based (which the pandora is). Having said that, there...
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    Ok I Am A Noob. How Can I Contribute To Development Games Software And

    Hi Guys, I'm probably a few steps ahead of where you are now. If you have some basic programming knowledge, then grab yourself a linux machines (or Virtual Machine)... or even Windows with Bloodshed DevC++ and SDL Packages and learn C++ and SDL programming:
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    Big Thanks To Craig

    +1 for the thanks. I remember first coming to the community for the GP2X and it appears that the same foundation members are still pushing the community forward. Congrats on getting this far and I wish you all the best for the final stages. I will gladly be one of your happy customers :D
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    Guy Who Wants To Sue Gamepark, Gph, Me & Ed

    Alright.... we all agree that this guy is perhaps 2 sandwiches short of a full picnic basket, but what we shouldn't do (as a community that supports our distributors) is disregard this guy altogether. Even if he does sue craig or GPH and loses, GPH and craig will still have a really bad time...
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    Gmenu2x V0.4 Released

    Man this thread went downhill fast. Good work on the meny Ryo, looking forward to the lower clock'd version.
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    It is honestly one of the only games I play continuously besides DrMD emu's. Very addictive.
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    Smashgp2x 0.2

    Thanks for the sources. I was looking for your custom scalling code, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Would be nice to know how you achieve such fast bitmap scalling on the 2X hardware. Congrats on the next release. It really is quite an achievement.