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  1. tarator

    Open... and close... and open...

    I'm aware of the fact, that linux always fills the ram with buffer and caching. But here is my output of `free -h`. As you can see, there is not much left for buffer and cache... gesamt benutzt frei gemns. Puffer/Cache verfügbar Speicher: 3,7G 3,1G...
  2. tarator

    Open... and close... and open...

    @sebt3 makes sense... Maybe I will try to run the programm on a raspberry Pi. I'm getting curious how big the difference is...
  3. tarator

    Open... and close... and open...

    Yes I compare x86-64 and armhf. You're right, that the memory footprint might be different on these architectures. But I think it will be similar... Screen size and using another Desktop-Environment might give me back 300MB of RAM. Java-Development is not really affected by this. The running...
  4. tarator

    Open... and close... and open...

    This is my desktop PC running Eclipse and starting a Java-Software for Debugging. Firefox is running with only some essential Tabs. This is on Kubuntu 16.04. As you can see it already needs more than 2GB of RAM right after starting. The memory usage will get up while Programming/Debugging. So...
  5. tarator

    Open... and close... and open...

    I plan also to do some Java-programming on the Pyra, while travelling. (Web-Applications with Eclipse as IDE and Firefox or any other browser) I'm afraid this is not feasible with 2GB of RAM.
  6. tarator

    Test the keymat!

    @Grench You really seem to like plugging in stuff ;) Very appreciated! I also wasn't aware, that there is a notch to strap a cord. Really nice! Great pictures!
  7. tarator

    Keep cool!

    The sealing seems to be essential for a decent sound quality. Look At this news-post: It's loud
  8. tarator

    Pictures, Videos and thoughts of a Pyra dev-prototype

    @Askarus thank's for the pictures. Some questions I have in mind, as you seem to already have used your Pyra for productive work: * How is the screen under sunlight? Is it readable? * How are the controls? How easy is it to use the nubs as mouse? (Although you're used to this method from...
  9. tarator

    Pictures, Videos and thoughts of a Pyra dev-prototype

    Perfect, thanks! OpenJDK is perfectly fine for me! A JDK for Arm doesn't exist that long, iirc. I'm surprised, that it works out of the box.
  10. tarator

    Pictures, Videos and thoughts of a Pyra dev-prototype

    Yes, it has: e.g. Surnames in Passports are printed in allcaps. So, all people who have a "ß" in their name could need a new passport.
  11. tarator

    Pictures, Videos and thoughts of a Pyra dev-prototype

    ptitSeb Very nice! Could you also try if Eclipse Oxygen will run? In best case downloading, unpacking and running `./eclipse` should bring the IDE up. Download Page:
  12. tarator

    Pyra + Java = ?

    There was a time, where Java and Flash in the browser was acceptable (Java not so much though...) I personally ever refused to learn flash-programming, because I always thought, that flash doesn't have a future and will die sooner or later. This was in the year 2004. Flash lived longer as I...
  13. tarator

    Pyra + Java = ?

    I think you mixed up Java and Javascript. Those are two completely different programming languages. Unluckily the name is similar. When talking about browsergames it's most probably Javascript and HTML5.
  14. tarator

    Alive and kicking (some pictures)

    Very nice! The display looks crystal-clear. Big mystery about the Logo-Plate.
  15. tarator

    Which Sensor-Chip(s) are built-in in the Pyra Mobile edition?

    @Binky good point. Maybe I'll try it once I have a pyra in my hand.
  16. tarator

    Which Sensor-Chip(s) are built-in in the Pyra Mobile edition?

    @Binky the barometric sensor could be used for indoor navigation (e.g. change of floor level). I think it can also be used to get a faster GPS fix. (Not sure about that though) Another use-case would be the utilization of the pyra for a weather station. (Which is awesome in my opinion).
  17. tarator

    Which Sensor-Chip(s) are built-in in the Pyra Mobile edition?

    @pocak thanks for your response. I will update the wiki page regarding the information which is stated here:
  18. tarator

    That took a while...

    @hns that means the pyra can run stable in 2GB mode, even when there is a 4gb chip soldered on it? Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
  19. tarator

    What are you playing this weekend/these days?

    For my trip to Greece this weekend I use my time on the plane playing Wario Land on my Gameboy Pocket. It's really fun!
  20. tarator

    Which Sensor-Chip(s) are built-in in the Pyra Mobile edition?

    Regarding the Pyra Wiki [1] there are three sensors soldered on the board. Is there a reason, why there are two pressure sensors? * The BME280[2] can measure: relative humidity, temperature and pressure * The BMP180[3] can measure: pressure * The BO055[4] is for orientation purposes The wiki...