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  1. efegea

    Re-purposing your GP2X

    It could always be repurposed for some developer who doesn't have one. That's a way to help the community :D
  2. efegea

    Can The Pandora Run A Virtual Machine?

    And what if the game uses opengl? which part of the chain should be ported to OGLES? pandora -> qemu user emulation -> wine x86 -> game
  3. efegea

    Can The Pandora Run A Virtual Machine?

    I think there is not need to run a full distro on an emulator just to run wine, as far as I remember qemu has support for emulating just one linux app without emulating the whole operating system. Don't know if this feauture is only for x86 hosts or will work also on ARM.
  4. efegea

    Caanoo / WIZ Howto For Opengl-es 1.1 Lite On The Wiz

    Can someone post the console (as in text terminal) output of the example of the tutorial? I'd like to know what are the values of gl_vendor, gl_renderer, gl_version and gl_extensions :)
  5. efegea

    Promoting The Pandora Via Youtube

    We can get chrome? :huh:
  6. efegea

    Promoting The Pandora Via Youtube

    That's true, we just need a browser with (good) zooming support, safari-like. Shouldn't be too hard using QT and webkit..
  7. efegea

    Promoting The Pandora Via Youtube

    The screen is bigger than the iphone's and on the iphone browsing is really enjoyable.
  8. efegea


    Just pm me :)
  9. efegea


    Reworking it from scratch with a lot of new ideas :) Although what worries me is that perhaps the new Pangea will look a bit like a Moblin clone. But I can't think of any way to improve Moblin's layout. If somebody has any suggestion, it'll be welcome :) But they will be similar only on the...
  10. efegea

    gp32x forums

    Sounds like a DNS problem Try OpenDNS:
  11. efegea

    gp32x forums

    Works for me.
  12. efegea


    This thing is inspiring me :)
  13. efegea

    Release Pantfy, a notificacion system for OpenPandora

    If the notification system that ubuntu ships works on Pandora (why not?) and has the features I want to implement on Panotify, then I'll leave this project, as I already has a lot of projects to work on and time is too precious to waste.
  14. efegea

    Release Pantfy, a notificacion system for OpenPandora

    The system is extensible, so a plugin that reads data from libnotify instead of the named pipe can be written, but I'll have to investigate libnotify a bit to see how it works. I agree on the name change. Perhaps Panotify? I don't want anything complicated, just Pandora + notify, so simple :)...
  15. efegea

    Release Pantfy, a notificacion system for OpenPandora

    The pipe is blocking while an application is writing, but two or more applications can write until the next time the daemon reads (i.e, an interval of 100ms). I difference them because the data is XML, so the data of the first ends with </xml> and if there is more thata, it'll be <xml> ("xml" or...
  16. efegea

    Release Pantfy, a notificacion system for OpenPandora

    Well, the styles are only there for demostration. You can configure each type of notification with the style you want. If you want all to have the same style: don't touch the default configuration :lol:
  17. efegea

    Release Pantfy, a notificacion system for OpenPandora

    I'm working on a new software for Pandora, independent of the Pangea GUI, not related in any way. It's a notification system, similar to Growl on Mac OS X. It's 100% tuneable, using XML skins, and very easy to use for application developers. It uses linux's Named Pipes, an special kind of file...
  18. efegea

    Pandora Updates Thread

    Thanks craig. Very impressive video :)
  19. efegea

    Direct (close-to-the-metal) open-source SGX driver

    More than the lack of full desktop opengl, what I'm more concerned is about composite support for X11. The hardware is capable, but I hope there is support in the binary drivers. And I'm not talking about fancy 3D desktop effects, but only translucent windows (I'll need them for an important...
  20. efegea

    Release amp - Arcade Music Player

    I really love the design. And I think it can be a good idea. It's always good to have alternatives, and your idea is good :)