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    Funny a friend and I were talking about what crap RDRAM is....just today. XD he paid like 300$ for some RDRAM (128MB iirc) on a PIII system.... then he touched after it had been running it burned a piece of his skin off it was soo hot XD and apparenly it was acutally designed to run that hot...
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    Doom 3 /enemy Territory Source Code Update

    I was for some reason thinking tat saurbraten was sort of a UT clone... but looking at the UT wikipedia page they don't really sound similar I do enjoy playing saurbraten on my lan when friends are over for what that is worth.. and there was an opengl es 2 port by intel iirc doubt it was open...
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    Quite A Few Questions

    Eh have you forgotten LLVM it can be a jit compiler iirc... from what i remember it can interpret compile to bytecode or compile to native code
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    Virtual RAM

    hansfranz I don't see how that could be true since the SD card interface itself isn't even as fast as USB its only25 or 50 Mhz iirc and ram has been running at 100+ Mhz with a far wider bus for over 15 years
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    Pandora Cube

    I didn't read the entire thread ... but there would be one good reason to do this... Increase board production... If there were enough pandora boards being made then perhaps they could get a price cut maybe get some developers interested in helping out on the Enna mediacenter from geexbox it...
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    Is There Any Difference Between Omap 3430 And Omap 3530?

    Actually I seem to remember Palm stating that openpandora had ran a build of WebOS on one of the Pandora dev boards with relatively little effort I think it was on engadget a while back
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    Rollercoaster Tycoon

    no its pretty unlikely ... I think they used quite a bit of x86 assembly as well so probably are even less portable I don't think rollercoaster tycoon was opensource but transport tycoon was not sure if it works on arm Port = extremely unlikely Emu = maybe but extreme longshot since Dosbox/qemu...
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    Pandora Cube

    @Azure I would be more worried if they werent' doing anything else... since you know most of these delays have nothing to do with how much priority they are giving anything Oh and time is money as they say XD
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    Pandora Mascot

    yay these threads that make ur brain hurt are awesome!!! I'm liking the pandora-tan and evil panda as well XD
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    Pandora doesnt look as good as i expected !

    @dflemstr some people have different beliefs than you and just because they aren't the most rational blokes and aren't well studied enough to give you a run for your money in an argument doesn't mean you should dismiss them as crackpots. I believe the world (errr cosmos multiverse whatever..)...
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    Gallium 3d Now Has Es State Trackers

    @dlflemstr maciek's libSGX + galluim3d = you do the math :-) Sorry pickle but it might makle nanoGL obsolete :-) Of course this is long term as maciek has said... gallium3d will probably be quite stable with lots of state trackers by then and in theory all that would be needed to do is...
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    Well I imagine it would be slow if you were trying to render all the triangles in the map... but for instance in saurbraten they aren't rendered only the ones you are close enough to are fully rendered (unless you CPU can render it all then it does) my Geforce 2 is acutally slow enough I can...
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    Release Gcc 4.4.0

    does graphite have anything to do with the improvements ... or is is only for multithreaded optimisations?
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    Few questions

    There isn't much point in compiling binutils as a benchmark sine most compilation will be done in a cross compiler environment. On ARM hardware SD card speed variations will likely have huge effects on compilation speed now better benchmarks would be what sort of real world apps can it run...
  15. C

    Would displaylink be much fun for Pandora?

    It would be slow over USB really only usefull for static images and maybe 2d Apps video and 3D are pretty out of the question unless they have some pretty awesome compression going on which would burden the ARM cpu in the Pandora it will probably pick up more support with USB 3.0 which will be...
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    Direct (close-to-the-metal) open-source SGX driver

    I'm still not entirely sure about develing into the driver binaries ... and as you mention they nouveau project the state clearly that their efforts are based on trial and error and memory traces and the like and they don't look in the binaries merely watch them as they run If documentation...
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    Johnny-come-lately - "How to get started?"

    ogre3d has already been demoed on the beagleboard steer clear of platform specific libraries and extensions like some python extensions pyro iirc... and a few others just be sure to check that it works on ARM first you can search the debian/ubuntu repos or ask here if you don't find it and are...
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    RTS masters of the pandora community

    from your description homeworld is very similar (cataclysm anyway) ....lots of mining crystals (there is an option to disable it as well) The battles a are a lot of fun... almost like tower defense in 3D :D nothing shall withstand my bentusi dreadnought !!!
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    OpenGL 2.0 to OpenGL ES 2.0 Wrapper. GPLv3.

    you nay have deleted the file... but it would still be in svn in an older revision.. which doesn't really know the meaning of delete maybe he got it from an older revision of your source
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    Interfacing the Pandora with the gumstix daughterboards?

    The BeagleBoard has DVI-D and S-video out and share a lot of HW with the pandora... chances are that a lot of apps will work on both of them with little effort I think the overo boards kinda nickel and dime you while the beagle board just throws in a much as...