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  1. canseco

    Release Albert 0.14.21

    By default i did select Terminal, but as you say, some settings are not saved. You could you try to edit Settings (right click button on the icon in the task bar) Change Terminal command to Custom, close the window, launch Albert with your preferred hotkey, and start to write Ter. The first...
  2. canseco

    Beta GrafX2 Beta 2.5

    Changelog - Changed website and sources link to the newer ones. - Changed config folder location from .grafx2 to grafx2. - Latest development version from Gitlab. - Updated libs and sources.
  3. canseco

    Explora Commodore 2017, Another epic event

    Here's a video were you can see the OpenPandora in action, and me trying to show how i did my game using it. But i must say that the best part is at the end, ;)
  4. canseco

    Repo lost software?

    Maybe because they are doing an online version and they got Greenlight approved I hope they release it for Pyra and maybe OpenPandora later.
  5. canseco

    Small GINGE update

    It works for me, as my emulator submenu is already a bit populated, ;)
  6. canseco

    Explora Commodore 2017, Another epic event

    Hello everybody, I'm a bit exahusted after the event, but i did a promise, so here we go: I mostly displayed my updated version of my game, soon to be released, with an MP32C64 made by Kopsec and a cassette recorder/player. Constelacion Commodore let me use an SD2IEC, and i could show...
  7. canseco

    Update Sonic Visualiser 2.5.0

    Changelog - Compiled with QT 5.8.0 from latest beta Codeblocks PND. - Updated libs.
  8. canseco

    "the pnd is already mounted" (disclaimer: I´m a noob)

    I can understand lazyness, but there was a bug on the firmware, already fixed, that didn't translate the label name of the SD card. That's why i suggested to upgrade it. From the log he posted, APPDD_FSTYPE : vfat So maybe it was a corrupted partition. Looking at the log i see the PND is not...
  9. canseco

    Small GINGE update

    Animatch doesn't have glitches anymore. My wife says thanks a lot and me too, ;)
  10. canseco

    "the pnd is already mounted" (disclaimer: I´m a noob)

    The label on your SD seems generic. Enable wifi and upgrade the system, Programs->System->Upgrade Pandora OS. And some PNDs would not work correctly if you use a FAT32 formatted card. It's better to format as EXT4 and use USB cable, wifi or bluetooh to transfer files.
  11. canseco

    Update regarding the cases (and some other things)

    That's one of the mistakes fixed already from the OpenPandora era, :) And as far as i remember, colors for the case would be red, black and transparent, unless doing more than two is too much.
  12. canseco

    Release Spellrazor

    In this case, it would be something like this on any distro: - Download the .love file. - Open the GUI package repository manager (Pamac on Antergos, Synaptic on Debian, etc) Type love and install the first package (love in my case, maybe love2d on others) - Double click on the .love file. -...
  13. canseco

    First ever Askarus newspost ;)

    I think i said this before when you did repair my OpenPandora, but thanks so much for all you did and good luck in the future. Not all bosses would be so kind, and you will hate some jobs you do. So the day you find a good place, enjoy every minute. The retro community i'm involved knows about...
  14. canseco

    Release Spellrazor

    According to Ron Gilbert, 1/3 sales of Thimbleweed Park were made on Linux, Mac, so it would silly to ignore that.
  15. canseco

    Update QjackCtl 0.4.5

    No, but if i did, the libstdc++ version would be different, as i'm compiling with Codeblocks command line PND. It's not, but it's the best solution i found in this case. The rest of the PNDs i do, use the preferred way when it comes to distributing libs.
  16. canseco

    Release Spellrazor

    Amazing game, everything is better with Neon ligths, ;) Would it be possible to port it to desktop GNU/Linux and release it on
  17. canseco

    Hardware is Hard Froscon 2016

    I found this interesting talk about how hard is to make even the most simple design board, and what difficulties you can find working with other companies to do it. Nothing new if you have followed OpenPandora/Pyra development for a few...
  18. canseco

    Release Drawpile 1.0.6

    Just make sure you are using a download file manager that can resume the download if it fails, like wget or similar.
  19. canseco

    Update QjackCtl 0.4.5

    Because system libjack is very old, it's not installed by default and the newer version i compiled refuses to work directly on the PND. So far, the only program affected was Mplayer, so the best solution would be to update them, compiled with then newer libjack.
  20. canseco

    Release Drawpile 1.0.6

    Do you have problems to download the new PND? I did use wget to download it, because every time it hit 1 GB, 2 GB download, it would timeout.