Search results

  1. Kippykip

    If a default choice is set, which desktop environment the Pyra OS should have ?

    I've experimented with a couple myself. Plasma as you said was really slow and plus I didn't really enjoy using it imo. I tried cinnamon and it crashes and asks if I want to restart it endlessly. Although turning off GPU rendering in raspi-config did let me run it and warned me it was in...
  2. Kippykip

    Looking for a 5" 4:3 Composite Display

    Thanks man! :D And yeah actually that makes sense considering I can hear it even when the volume is off (not nearly as bad but still hearable! even when the mute button on the back is pressed!) This is what I'm using though: If the Pi isn't powered on the sound goes away, although I haven't...
  3. Kippykip

    Looking for a 5" 4:3 Composite Display

    Dunno if anybody is interested but I ended up actually finishing it off!
  4. Kippykip

    gearbest refunded me too much money... should I scam the scammers?

    I'd keep the money xD Well if they don't even try at all to help/support you whatsoever and their ticketing system is completely broken, why support them? Especially knowing hundreds of others were screwed over in the reviews so uhhhh...
  5. Kippykip

    Case closed?

    >forum members still making le epic xd toptext/bottomtext memes
  6. Kippykip

    Dragonbox Pyra Discord : REBORN

    Narr I ended up leaving because only like 3 members joined in the span of a year and it wasn't active at all. So RIP :(
  7. Kippykip

    Case closed?

    hahaha weeb
  8. Kippykip

    Case closed?

    PCSX-R time :eek:
  9. Kippykip


  10. Kippykip


  11. Kippykip


    All HTML5 seem to have done is made websites more laggy than Flash probably due to the amount of extra javascript required for certain functions, least it's open I guess. It's all fine and good until the "SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER" popup scrolls up at 2FPS with a black overlay that makes the...
  12. Kippykip


    Too bad my P3 laptops can barely use the internet anyways :(
  13. Kippykip

    Looking for a 5" 4:3 Composite Display

    I don't see why it wouldn't
  14. Kippykip

    Looking for a 5" 4:3 Composite Display

    I received the screen! Although the dimensions are a tad different then what was listed on the ebay listing. This was the one I ended up buying:
  15. Kippykip


    I personally have been avoiding the Windows Updates so I can avoid the updates that patch it. Not worth the performance hit imo if it's just going to be myself using it.
  16. Kippykip


    But muh raspberry pi :(
  17. Kippykip


    I'm currently happy with a Blackberry Q10 as of now (even if it's dated), I can't go back to a touchscreen only phone ;) If it's too much of a pain to use the Pyra as a phone, then I'll likely stick with the Q10. But then I'm not too sure what I would use the Pyra for
  18. Kippykip


    Well I have the original GPD-Win but as far as I can tell, the Win 2 isn't much more powerful CPU+GFX wise which is all I cared for. I'm still happy with the Win 1 (other than the BSODs :( ) I just wish it was compatible with Windows 7 because all the cool old games that would run on potato...
  19. Kippykip


    Hell yeah, I like running games EDIT: oh wait, i forgot windows 10 doesn't work with anything :(
  20. Kippykip


    I will admit my interest has died down a bit, but I'm stILL gonna continue with the Pyra primarily as a Phone and for PS1 games