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  1. kaprikawn

    Tiny speed comparison. Pyra vs Raspberry Pi3 vs core2duo vs i7

    It might be a good idea to stick a frontend on the Phoronix Test Suite with a few alterations to achieve that ^^
  2. kaprikawn

    Pyra Learning OpenGL ES 2.0 for Pyra

    Thanks for this, I'll certainly consider looking at the approach you've suggested. But for now I'm somewhat comfortable with pressing ahead with just learning ES2. I've got the hard part coming up so I might look at ES1.x if this proves to be a stumbling block and I need to simplify things to...
  3. kaprikawn

    Pyra Learning OpenGL ES 2.0 for Pyra

    I've made some progress, but not much. As expected, it's been difficult finding appropriate learning materials, but that was always kinda the point, overcoming that obstacle. I started reading this OpenGL ES 2.0 book, but it didn't have much in the way of code examples in the early chapters...
  4. kaprikawn

    GPD WIN 2

    I'm no credit expert, but I'm pretty sure taking credit then paying it off gives you a credit history, and improves your credit score. Lenders don't actually like people with no credit history, it can sometimes be nearly as bad as having a bad credit history. The only way it can be bad is if...
  5. kaprikawn

    Getting closer...

    That sounds a lot like you're willing to cut off your nose to spite your face. Options are already limited, beggars can't be choosers. If there's a FOSS driver available, even if it's built off the hard work of the community, I doubt a project of this size is going to sway the thinking of a...
  6. kaprikawn

    The New Ultimative Smaltalk Threadt (lots of Off Topic)

    I thought you ware a Python programmer? The Python devs have their heads screwed on when it comes to whitespace policy, none of the needless curly brackets taking up vertical space. They really thought it through.
  7. kaprikawn

    The New Ultimative Smaltalk Threadt (lots of Off Topic)

    I just spent twenty minutes researching astyle arguments because people will insist on using crappy whitespace policy. PUTTING OPENING CURLY BRACKETS/BRACES ON THEIR OWN LINE IS NOT OK [/rant]
  8. kaprikawn

    GPD WIN 2

    I watch Linus Tech Tips from time to time, but my opinion is they're not very credible or reliable. Didn't they do a whole series on building a server room, only to use Windows Server as the OS?
  9. kaprikawn

    survey about e-Sport

    You should have Twitch in the source question IMO
  10. kaprikawn

    How do I check my previous posts here?

    Mouse over your username in the top right, click your username in the pop up (not your username that you moused over). Then go to the 'Postings' tab
  11. kaprikawn

    Pyra Learning OpenGL ES 2.0 for Pyra

    Fixed, thanks. I'll fire my editor shortly :D
  12. kaprikawn

    Pyra Learning OpenGL ES 2.0 for Pyra

    There's a typedef at the bottom of the game.hpp and inputHandler.hpp files which define those. I'll be honest, I don't understand them, and why they're needed. I usually don't like using code that I don't understand, but occasionally I do it if it's a small thing like this. They are basically...
  13. kaprikawn

    Pyra Learning OpenGL ES 2.0 for Pyra

    I don't think so, it should work without it. I've removed the Makefile from the latest release, so that should get deleted with the git pull. No other files are both in the repo and affected by the clean script. Also in case you're interested, there's another release that you can get from...
  14. kaprikawn

    Pyra Learning OpenGL ES 2.0 for Pyra

    New post : I've refactored/cleaned up some of the code, the output is still the same as before.
  15. kaprikawn

    Pyra Learning OpenGL ES 2.0 for Pyra

    I'll try that, thanks. But when I was researching CMake, it seemed to be best practice to have a CMakeLists.txt file in the root directory, and one per sub directory (in my case just the src dir). And you'd have all the global stuff in the root instance (min version, findpkgs etc.), and things...
  16. kaprikawn

    Pyra Learning OpenGL ES 2.0 for Pyra

    Yeah, sorry about that. Up until now I've used github as a personal online repo to access code from multiple devices. Everything has just been commit -> git push origin master. This is the first time I've had to do it in a way that other people may actually use my code. So the clean file is...
  17. kaprikawn

    Pyra Learning OpenGL ES 2.0 for Pyra

    I'm on Arch too, it doesn't split the the packages and the development headers, so if you install sdl2 you don't need to install libsdl2-dev like you do on Ubuntu which makes life easier. It also means that you have GLES2/gl.h if you've got mesa installed (which I think is in the base package...
  18. kaprikawn

    Pyra Learning OpenGL ES 2.0 for Pyra

    Thanks for the feedback. I've never really used make clean, I only really have a passing understanding of what it is actually. I'll do some reading on CMake and make adjustments accordingly. I've got to set up a Debian environment so I don't accidentally include code that works on my machine...
  19. kaprikawn

    Pyra Learning OpenGL ES 2.0 for Pyra

    I've decided to learn OpenGL ES 2.0 for use on the Pyra. And as I started poking around I realised that there's not a lot of learning materials for the kind of stuff I want to do, and some of these things I'm learning might be useful to others. So I'm writing a blog documenting my journey...
  20. kaprikawn

    GPD WIN 2

    The D-Pad looks like a 3DS one, or other recent Nintendo consoles. They're just terrible. That's a deal breaker for me.