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  1. bzar

    It's time for the pyra

    Well done! Now finish "Wars: Commando" xD
  2. bzar

    Pyra Fanart

    Isn't the display image also upside down?
  3. bzar

    Dragonbox Flair

  4. bzar

    Oracle to open source Arm jdk 9

    You mean the Java browser applets are unsecure? That's more the browser plugin's issue than the language itself. Regular Java applications are no less secure than those made in other languages AFAIK. Can you elaborate on the performance bit? As far as I'm aware you could do a whole lot worse...
  5. bzar

    Pyra as a Music Player

    Well, I'd say the actual correlation is to the amount of features. This leads to to doing more with the DE, reducing the use of other programs, such as for configuring VPNs and stuff. It's not that the people are using more time with their DE to accomplish the same things, but they use less of...
  6. bzar

    Nub as the mouse and the should buttons as right and left click?

    Same as with a two-button mouse, by pressing both? I think the modifier buttons are a much better use for the shoulders, but to each their own :) Regardless of what the "official" bindings will be, it'll be quite easy to do this in (for example) funkeymonkey.
  7. bzar

    Intel abandons future Atom line of processors

    I concede I phrased that badly. The full quote being: It should've been "It should be as automatic as possible, or not be at all".
  8. bzar

    Intel abandons future Atom line of processors

    Anything that increases the cumulative cognitive load of mundane tasks is not a good direction, IMO. It should be as automatic as possible or not at all. Having to scan barcodes for the sake of keeping tabs on what's in a fridge sounds like more trouble than it's worth.
  9. bzar

    Tweaking and Finalizing

    WELP the cases look nice and sturdy. Also great news about the 3D driver, looking forward to a video with a prototype :)
  10. bzar

    What do you want to see from Dale Studios?

    Yes, start small. That's why I asked what you've done before. Take a really simple game like Pong, put your own spin on it and try to polish the crap out of it. If you can do that, do something a bit bigger. This is the best way to learn the true amount of time and work that goes into games and...
  11. bzar

    What do you want to see from Dale Studios?

    What have you made before?
  12. bzar

    How will Brexit affect the price of the Pyra?

    Yes, and they could be renamed "Airstrip One" when joining :P
  13. bzar

    News from all fronts

    Is there going to be issues with later CPU boards that don't have a TILER-like component to them without the rotator chip? Isn't solving this again one more thing to do for every CPU board in the future?
  14. bzar

    A few Colors and Packages (with a poll!)

    I think the logo plate actually looked better in the video than in the pictures, same as the case in general. As the case and the plate are made of different materials they may look very different in still images depending on the lighting, but once you see them moving together I guess you form...
  15. bzar

    Moxie passed away

    Moxie was always a welcome participant in any thread. For the little I got to know him, I can't think of a single bad thing to say about him.
  16. bzar

    Colorful week

    My precious weekendses!
  17. bzar

    GPU Board with Vulkan Support

    Recent benchmarks show Vulkan actually using quite a bit less CPU than OpenGL. It's not the amount of code that matters, it's what it does and what it's synchronized with. @ZXDunny: Plotting pixels using the CPU and sending them to the GPU to render as a full screen texture is not a really good...
  18. bzar

    Pyra debian with systemd?

    Geologic evidence AFAIK puts the extinction of most of land dinosaurs (flying types evolved into birds or went extinct as well) at the end of Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era. First humanish apes came late in a period that started about 40 million years after that, in the Neogene period of...
  19. bzar

    Pyra debian with systemd?

    Marttiini or nothing (not literally). Though finns are forbidden to carry sharp knives around with no specific need... for historical reasons. :p PS: This thread is now about knives.
  20. bzar

    GPU Board with Vulkan Support

    As far as I've understood, there's quite a lot of boilerplate there. With a smallish library you can get to a much smaller amount of code for most use cases. For example, drawing a triangle using vulkano in Rust, without sacrificing (as far as I know) any of the flexibility...