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  1. Farox

    Raptor: Call of the Shadows is now the open source project!

    @Pickle Thanks for taking a look, my skills are not enough for this task.
  2. Farox

    Raptor: Call of the Shadows is now the open source project!

    Ok after a quick compile on my Linux Mint PC (after disabling some Joystick SDL code as i have an old revision of SDL Library in my system) i got the game start and say Loading Graphics and nothing it exit. After various attempt to find some valid graphics files (FILExxxx.GLB) i...
  3. Farox

    Raptor: Call of the Shadows is now the open source project!

    Well we could start porting this code...hoping someone adapt the recently release source code for Dos to Linux with SDL, maybe already using the reverse-engineered one as a base. About Halloween3D i didn't checked the github but there is some new features? I think we already are on par with the...
  4. Farox

    Raptor: Call of the Shadows is now the open source project!

    Thank's for the good news...but unfortunately porting would need a big effort. This game is for Dos/windows and use ASM (x86 assembly code) in some not an easy task. I don't know if some Linux port exist.
  5. Farox

    WipEout Rewrite

    @asimov-solensan just updated DBP please test.
  6. Farox

    WipEout Rewrite

    from Ok now i understand differently from PND system every DBP needs a different name for the script that run the program(s). Most probably need to check, modify and re-upload many of my DBP.
  7. Farox

    WipEout Rewrite

    Uhmm don't really know why you have such a error. Please try to delete also wars_commando_farox in appdata and reboot (well power off and after a while power on as reboot is not wotking) just to be sure. And please also use the second release of the dbp. 1701532499 This is the script on...
  8. Farox

    Capitole du Libre 2023

    Ahh i hope to see some more release from them for Pandora & Pyra. 1701289644 Around the same distance for me...but i think would be nice to meet some forum users someday.
  9. Farox

    Release dRally

    Here you can download dRally a port of PC Windows Death Rally game (1996). After the Pyra release by @jedi23 (thanks for this), this is the Pandora version of the game. It runs pretty good fullscreen @600mhz on my CC as usual with the help of GL4ES by ptitSeb. To be able to play the game...
  10. Farox

    Debian 11 can't write underscore symbol "_"

    I haven't seen any wip on this in months...i'm starting to think that for the worse. I have also asked here on forum and on discord an help on compiling kernel modules...but no response.:(
  11. Farox

    Release dRally

    Ok compiled also on Pyra and i have the same bug...but i don't know why on Pandora it's not present at all and the game just run fine. Here is the gdb log Interesting is #1 ....(err_n=14) at ___58b20h.c:50 where i found... "\x14" "File Error! Couldn't find File '%s' inside Archive '%s'!\0"...
  12. Farox

    Release dRally

    Yes type gl4es gdb drally and it runs fine. type "bt" in gdb shell and it should show what portion of code it runs. Anyway i compiled the game for Pandora and after a quick run...didn't noticed the problem you have on Pyra (i didn't have try the game on Pyra yet). Have you changed something in...
  13. Farox

    Release dRally

    Try to use GDB and set a breakpoint when the exit routine is called to see what function is calling this.
  14. Farox

    WipEout Rewrite

    Just noted...why the repo is changing file names of dbp ? When i upload my dbp i usually gave it xxx_v1.dbp and if i made a new release xxx_v2 but when i pubblish on the repo the name of the file is automatically changed in xxx0.1.0.1.dbp (it takes the version number present on .desktop file)...
  15. Farox

    WipEout Rewrite

    Updated the DBP with the recent source change that fixed missing pilot icon on menu and add HighScores view on menu and add the option to change camera roll value. Please test and let me know if it have some strange behaviour.
  16. Farox

    WipEout Rewrite

    Thanks for reporting. On my Pyra it's running fine..but i'll check it.
  17. Farox

    Release Wipeout Rewrite

    Yes exactly i've adapted your script to work with this download. But i think for now i will not pubblish...
  18. Farox

    Release ZGloom

    Updated the PND with a new script (done by @PowerGod ...big Thanks to him) that download the game datas, unzip it and install it on the proper appdata/
  19. Farox

    Release Wipeout Rewrite

    Updated the PND with the latest recompile with -Ofast. The game now runs fine (BIG Thanks @M-HT ) at stock 600Mhz and without Swapfile (but having one didn't hurt). I also have experimented (thanks to @PowerGod that supplyed me his updated script that add those functionality) a version that...
  20. Farox

    Release Wipeout Rewrite

    Wow great thank you! Its working good....i'll update the pnd soon.