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  1. Djoga'Ro

    Absurdism corner

    @kuru While basically I'm seeing this as you do, I could imagine that more than none (potential) Darwin Arward winners one could disqualify for having been doped with THC.
  2. Djoga'Ro

    The Communication Cube

    Probably. Though, I'm wondering why you don't mention Peony. Ain't that a bit sneaky?
  3. Djoga'Ro

    The Communication Cube

    Thinking: "What am I supposed to think?"
  4. Djoga'Ro

    The Communication Cube

    I'm aware. I'm off work after tomorrow. Need some time to relax, before spending Christmas at my mother's.
  5. Djoga'Ro

    The Communication Cube

    Don't tell me. Tell the well fed house cat.
  6. Djoga'Ro

    The Communication Cube

    Sooner or later there'd only be left The Global Empire and with that no more wars. Though, that wouldn't be my preference. Yeah, birds have very quick reflexes. Well, those species that are intelligent enough to react at all. That aspect is rather rare by area in the global context, with...
  7. Djoga'Ro

    The Communication Cube

    Good luck enforcing the ban without war. I guess, if the world would come together each time to help the stronger war party, the wars would be over more quickly. And, unless the aggressor's goal is decimation, this way the wars would cost fewer lives.
  8. Djoga'Ro

    Der Musikmachfaden, (nicht nur Gitarre..)

    So wie ich es verstehe, gibt's im glattgezogenen Tonsystem (Klavier etwa) 12 Halbtonschritte pro Oktave. Eine bestimmte Tonart sind dann 7 bestimmte dieser 12 Töne. D.h. zwischen manchen aufeinanderfolgenden Tönen einer Tonleiter liegt kein Halbton, weil diese zwei Töne schon nur einen...
  9. Djoga'Ro

    Absurdism corner

    You forgot to adjust the imperative.
  10. Djoga'Ro

    The Communication Cube

    Maybe active defense systems, that shoot the birds down before they make contact. That'll teach 'em.
  11. Djoga'Ro

    The Communication Cube

    Maybe they're not painted. Then painting them would mean adding weight. Maybe improving light absorbtion wouldn't be a good thing. (Might add stresses due to elongation with temperature. ?)
  12. Djoga'Ro

    Absurdism corner

    Almost twice as good as half a Cogan.
  13. Djoga'Ro

    The Communication Cube

    Started watching Orphan Black - Echoes. It's like having gotten up on the wrong side of bed. For the first 4 episodes (what I've watched so far), the series is nicely done and captivating, but the very first scene, which set off the dynamics, was really bad, forced, beyond belief. It's a...
  14. Djoga'Ro

    (Bad)Joke Appreciation Corner

    Calling Hitler a fanatic is a bit of an overstatement, no?
  15. Djoga'Ro

    (Bad)Joke Appreciation Corner

    The heuristic doesn't take into account that that's a well-known book title.
  16. Djoga'Ro

    Let's post pictures of ourselves.

    You lucky guy.
  17. Djoga'Ro

    Let's post pictures of ourselves.

    I thought, before black friday the prices would be up/it'd be a bad time for buyers. ? Who's your escort? Who took the picture? How can a Brit afford a 4080 and a 4090, nowadays? And where did you get the monitor, which online nobody seems to have in stock? Does the shopping centre have a cloakroam?
  18. Djoga'Ro

    The Communication Cube

    Friend zone territory.
  19. Djoga'Ro

    The Communication Cube

    Who's Rosalia?
  20. Djoga'Ro

    The Communication Cube

    You larks! I just got up at 1730.