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  1. Serenity

    So where are we with the Pyra--really?

    What does that mean? How can someone preorder without completing the order? 1737919442 What does that mean? How can someone preorder without completing the order?
  2. Serenity

    Pyra 4GB LTE for Sale..shipping only to Germany

    Sorry to hear, that you are in a bad position in your life. Is there really no option or an easier way to get or borrow money? 1737912407 Sorry to hear, that you are in a bad position in your life. Is there really no option or an easier way to get or borrow money?
  3. Serenity

    The Rise of Pyra - A story about the past 6 months

    Sorry, but what do you expect from a device, where only one guy is building it up and another guy is responsible for the OS? And both of them are not working full time on that? And where the costs for one device is so high because only a small group of people demands it and buy it even if the...
  4. Serenity

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    Everything is fine. As I know, ED lives near the main station and there are no flood. People in Germany are helping themself very well. Don't worry.
  5. Serenity

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    Bluetooth Keyboard? I wrote a lot of on a smartphone btw. not only "few senteces" BTW: The Nvidia Shield has a better performance than the pyra, not only the pandora. Every device can be compared or compete with devices with similar functionality. If I want to develop software or write a...
  6. Serenity

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    The NVIDIA Shield handheld has a better quality and performance than the Pandora - with a full android system, released 10 years ago. Currently, for gaming and emulation, the ANBERNIC RG556 would be a better choice than the pyra: The device is faster, has an GPU and is a way much cheaper. And...
  7. Serenity

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    or people, who already owns a pandora are satisfied with that device and doesn't need an upgrade.
  8. Serenity

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    First of all: I honor your work for the Pyra. You are doing a lot of different stuff for it, even if the results are not perfect or as good as you desire. I don't know, how much preorders left. What happened after that? I never said, it doesn't exist. But I remember a time, where there were a...
  9. Serenity

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    The four bold sentences sound really horrible. Since I started interesting in this, I was at the university. Now, I am more than 10 years in the business for embedded devices and know some manufactures, consulting companies and suppliers. For me, (just my feeling), it sounds like, that the...
  10. Serenity

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    really? You are waiting 8 years for a Pyra? Holy moly...
  11. Serenity

    [Verkauft!] GP2x first edition (defekt) mit Hülle 10€ + Versand

    super, das freut mich sehr! Ich hoffe, du wirst deinen Spaß mit dem Gerät haben :) (Zum Glück habe ich es nicht weggeschmissen).
  12. Serenity

    [Verkauft!] GP2x first edition (defekt) mit Hülle 10€ + Versand

    Verkauft an stoni! Ich hoffe, du kriegst ihn wieder zum laufen :)
  13. Serenity

    [Verkauft!] GP2x first edition (defekt) mit Hülle 10€ + Versand

    Biete meinen defekten GP2x First Edition mt Hülle an. Der Analogknüppel fehlt. Er geht auch nicht mehr an, deswegen als defekt. Vielleicht gibt es den ein oder anderen Enthusiast, dem das in seiner Sammlung fehlt. Ich begeistere mich für sowas nicht mehr und ich denke, ihn wegzuschmeißen ist...
  14. Serenity

    Finally, a bit more news!

    If the payment was done in EUR, he gets EUR back. But if he paid with a Bitcoin, he gets his bitcoin back. There is no currency conversion in a puchase agreement. You can say "I buy it in EUR" and then convert your bitcoin in Euro, but as a seller, you normally don't know that and you don't care.
  15. Serenity

    Finally, a bit more news!

    I don't know where you live, but in Germay, you can cancel your preorder and get your money (your bitcoin) back. Also after seven years. The purchase agreement is fulfilled and avlid, after you received your order. And also after that you have 2 weeks to send it back and revoke your order.
  16. Serenity

    Finally, a bit more news!

    I just wrote that, because LogicalUnit wrote, that he wants to show it to his friends.
  17. Serenity

    Finally, a bit more news!

    ah, let me give you an advice as someone who did this already with the Pandora: Just cancel your preorder and forget this project. It will not make you happy, even if you will have it in your hands. If you want to show it to your friends, then I will repeat what my friends thought about the...
  18. Serenity

    Valve launching Steam Deck - SteamOS Handheld Console

    There are games, that are really huge, but not everyone. I am pretty sure, that you haven't installed all next-gen titles on your "small" 2tb SSD. And beware: it's 512GB NVMee, not SSD. For me, not a problem, because I have 1GBit internet connection: I regulary uninstall and install other...
  19. Serenity

    New rooms, updated cases

    Really nice rooms. Congratulation, that you found something! Hopefully, every pandora will be there assembled soon, so everyone gets his order quicker :)
  20. Serenity

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus Pandemic

    AstraZeneca and Johnson&Johnson (and maybe also Sputnik V) are traditional vaccine. But if you have more trust in France, then do that.