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  1. Criticalmass

    Pyra Media Coverage

    Being quite the newbie in this community, I look left and right, and I'm amazed - so much work, love, sweat and tears, so many personal relationships and identification points with the products, so much realized potential. Awesome. And in a way, dangerous. So this is going to be a bit of a rant...
  2. Criticalmass


    I know I shouldn't do this. Too often, too quick. But the pic is too nice. ....and probably the excitement will wane sometime. I hope not.
  3. Criticalmass

    Pyra Release date - Make your Guess here.

    As much as I'd like to have a Pyra in my hands this year, as those projects go I wouldn't be suprised if it takes another year to get all the kinks ironed out, have feedback from devs and prototype users, integrate those, stumble over some last minute changes and opportunities, and get the...
  4. Criticalmass


    Maybe that speeds things up a bit...
  5. Criticalmass

    Introduce yourself

    Since I'm lurking around for several days now after pre-ordering a Pyra, I'd just as well introduce myself - although I don't know if I'll contrute much in the coming months... So, what's to know? 40somethingish ex-teacher ex-journalist ex-consultant with a background in literature, high tech...