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  1. P

    Let's Send The Panda Back To The Forest

    We early supporters of the Pandora will have a lot of work to do as we clean the trollish slime from our new toy. Most people just aren't that interested and will not see the Pandora's advantages oveer the latest from Nintendo for a long time. I believe a unified front is needed as we make a...
  2. P

    What Should The Pandora App Store Be Named?

    How about "Zodiac"? It maintains the greek theme, and the word "zodiac" means "a circle of animals", which resembles many of the software menus and toolbars we use. ""
  3. P

    What Should The Pandora App Store Be Named?

    But the Pandora Handheld is no more about some particular game franchise owned by another company than it is an imitator of the iPhone.
  4. P

    What Should The Pandora App Store Be Named?

    Please nothing to do with panda bears. Pandorama is the best. I like Anesidora also. Here are some others: PNDeck, dotPNDrepo, AppsJar, OPenstore