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  1. M

    What Is Your Worst Fear About The Pandora ?

    256 MB memory is one of them.
  2. M

    Openpandora Site Slow Or Down...?

    don't worry guys, keep refreshing. nothing will stop us from refreshing!
  3. M

    Openpandora Site Slow Or Down...?

    THEY are everywhere!!!
  4. M

    What's The First Thing You'll Do With Your Pandora?

    funny, even if Pandora is portable device, i will be mostly using it at home. the only occassion i can use it while on a go, is Sensible World of Soccer World Cup in Germany - in august once a year, where i'm using plane and train to get there, so that will serve as a nice warm-up for me...
  5. M

    The Pandora Port Request Thread lords a war! a clone of Warlords II, for linux - and with a source code. Well, although maybe we will be able to play warlords II with dosbox, hmmm.
  6. M

    What Linux Distribution On Pandora?

    we can see a trend in voting now, anyway :) nobody cares, we just want pandoras.
  7. M

    Pandora Wallpaper Thread.

    or maybe... zx spectrum?
  8. M

    Pandora Wallpaper Thread.

    i prepared myself two, probably bit hardcore for you guys :) , but i will share them anyway:
  9. M

    Preloaded Content?

    i totally agree :) and i suppose we will all have sd cards loaded with some stuff anyway, long before we actually get pandora - especially if pandora archive will be already full of software.