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  1. P

    Wolf4sdl For Gp2x

    Great job once again man. And thanks for you help getting it going. I only have one thing that is bugging me as of now. And that is when you use the open funtion for doors I get a crackling sound. Is this fixable by me changing something or is this just a bug that still needs to be worked...
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    F200 Touchscreen Not Where It Should Be?

    Is that what that Korean menu is? LMAO. I was wondering what the heck that was. And even better, why is it still in Korean??
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    GP2X I Would Love To See Blakestone Ported Over To Gp2x

    Well you guys have done such a great job of porting my old DOS favorites I really only have on request left. I loved the game Blakestone back in the day. It is basicly a remade wolf3d if you haven't played it. Has this been ported? I haven't seen it anywhere if it has. I was thinking the...
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    Directional Control Key Problem?

    I have had emulators launch as if the game pad was being pressed and the selection screen would continualy scroll. So this sounds like the same thing to me. I just press right or left on the pad and it fixes itself immediatly. It seems to me that the tightness of the dpad when it is new...
  5. P

    Wolfenstien 3d Question

    this is what I have in gmenu2x to launch wolf3d. title=Wolfenstien 3D icon=skin:icons/games/wolf3d.png exec=/mnt/sd/game/games/interpreters/wolf3d/Wolf4SDL_WL6.gpe clock=233 params=--audiobuffer 256 --samplerate 11025 wrapper=true Sorry for the gp2x newbness but is this correct for adding...
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    Wolfenstien 3d Question

  7. P

    Wolfenstien 3d Question

    I am using gp2xwolf3d because the other has way to much sound lag for me. Glad to hear that it will be updated too :). I would prefer to play the game in it's native form but I do agree that the ports are alot of fun. Do you have settings for the 4sdl version that allow it to run without the...
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    Wolfenstien 3d Question

  9. P

    Wolfenstien 3d Question

    Is it possible to save your game in the wolfenstien 3d ports? If so how do you do it. I get to the save screen and it lets me enter in random numbers with the buttons, but I can't figure out how to make it save after I enter the save name. Can it even be done?