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  1. Z

    Is This Normal?

    Just tried the battery's that came with it again after a good charging and it seems to be working fine. The energizers are probably screwed now but at least I know that the unit itself is fine. Thanks for all your posts! :)
  2. Z

    Is This Normal?

    I just tried both sets of energizers with a full charge and they each lasted about 2 min. I'm not 100% sure but I think thats less then the last time I tried them. When I first got them I could not find anything telling me if they were already charged or not and I was afraid that I would...
  3. Z

    Is This Normal?

    All the battery's I have tried drain after a few minuets... I tried the battery's that came with it and a set of energizer rechargeable's (2500mAh Ni-Mh). Both sets were uncharged prior to use so I'm going to try charging them in case they were packaged uncharged. I have tried a set of...
  4. Z

    Battery/power Problem

    Oh crap, I just got my gp2x and I think I might also have this problem!!! :o After only a few minute or two all power is drained! What should I do, I just got the thing and have yet to even be able to play around a bit...
  5. Z

    Tower Defence Game

    The star craft version of this is most likely the best, give it a try when you can.
  6. Z

    Last Starfighter Port

    :P I thought of this awhile back, its good to see that its possibly closer to reality then my imagination.
  7. Z

    Fallout Tatics

    Obviously the original product had too high of requirements to emulate. However it should be possible to make a diablo style top down isometric type game for the GP2X with the same feel. Basically its a top down, gritty, tactical...