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  1. T

    Please Help Qt Brain-Storm Ideas For Gaming Apis

    Done... Qt is owned by Nokia now - Trolltech doesn't exist anymore <_<
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    Please Help Qt Brain-Storm Ideas For Gaming Apis

    Just a quick note to encourage people to pop over to Qt's blog and let us know what you would like to see in Qt to help write games: As Andreas says, let your minds go wild, we're just collecting up ideas...
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    What's A Good Ui Library?

    Qt's rendering API is called QPainter, which has multiple backends. The idea is that you can write your application using standard QPainter and Qt will use the most optimal rendering back-end available. Qt added a new back-end for OpenGL ES 2.0 with the 4.5 release, which is getting significant...
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    Sgx Opengl Es 2.0 Application Development Recommendations

    There's a neat little trick to get round this on the MBX which I suspect will also work on the SGX: Bind the texture to a pbuffer. :-) You never have to make as context current on the pbuffer so there's no switching context overhead or anything. It just seems to force the pixel data to be...
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    Qt To Be Made Avaliable Under Lgpl

    Yes, that's already in Qt 4.4. It's basically the desktop OpenGL paint engine with a few #defines and an EGL/X11 back-end to manage contexts. Porting dektop OpenGL to OpenGL ES 1.1 is a _lot_ easier than porting to ES 2.0 (hense the need for a completely new paint engine... #defines just weren't...
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    Quake 3

    Yeah, that's kinda what I meant by use the patch in the ioquake bugzilla. Personally, I'd like to see the changes to the renderer get accepted upstream as there's still a log of development going on in ioquake3. It's time consuming to track upstream changes (like VoIP landing 3 weeks after I...
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    Qt To Be Made Avaliable Under Lgpl

    I guess you haven't seen WolfenQt then? It's a take on the classic Wolfenstien 3D but with regular widgets on the walls (widgets like video players & web views). And yes, now I have written a paint engine for OpenGL ES 2.0 (which will also ship in 4.5), this kind of thing is possible using Qt...
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    Qt To Be Made Avaliable Under Lgpl

    I apologise for the spam but I thought a few people might be interested to know that Nokia has announced it's intention to release Qt under the LGPL, allowing commercial (closed source) software to use it for free. Nokia has also announced Qt development will move to an open git repository...
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    Quake 3

    I kinda got side-tracked by other projects and didn't really get too far. All I've basically done so far is port ioquake3 to QGLWidget & qmake and nearly got it to work. That was months ago though. :-( Just waiting for someone to carry on the work. I found a patch sitting in ioquake3's bug...
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    Powervr Kernel Drivers Avaliable Now

    I just saw this on the BeagleBoard Mailing list: QUOTE Nokia was so kind to release the GPL'ed sources for the SGX kernel drivers[1], which I integrated into the 2.6.27 kernel in OE. You can get a kernel + modules set from [2] to try it out. There is a catch: you need some userspace tools to...
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    Direct (close-to-the-metal) open-source SGX driver

    I might be able to shed some light on this.... There are 2 drivers for the SGX: One by ImgTec and one by TG (Tungston Graphics) - both are closed source. The ImgTec drivers are the ones used by TI. When Intel chose the SGX for the new Atom, they weren't happy with the ImgTec driver (for...
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    Sgx Clock & Shader Execution Speed

    This kindof maps to what a collegue of mine told me: ~6 instructions per fragment to achieve 60 fps. Thanks for the link, I'll have a read through.
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    Sgx Clock & Shader Execution Speed

    Bump? Anyone know anything about the SGX?
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    Pandora Devkit Version Of The Official Pandora

    Wow. Thanks for clearing that up! So x-loader is not the internal bootloader at all, but something else entirely? Is there any way to accidently wipe the internal bootloader? What's the purpose of x-loader? Surely uboot doesn't have very high requirements? I don't know about the OMAP3, but I...
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    Pandora Devkit Version Of The Official Pandora

    Yes, the OMAP3 has a built-in bit of code called x-loader. That bootstraps uboot which bootstraps the kernel which bootstraps itself. Now if something goes wrong when re-flashing x-loader, then you're stuffed. So I guess the answer is, don't update x-loader. :-) I believe currently the...
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    Sgx Clock & Shader Execution Speed

    I was wondering, what clock speed does the SGX run at? Reading what little info I could find, it seems the SGX has basically 2 clocks: One for the interface (I assume this is the memory bus?) and an internal clock. The internal clock is derrived from the interface clock via a multiplier. So...
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    Which Sound Library To Use?

    It's quite nice to see OSS making a comeback. :-) Having said that, I know there's been a lot of work put into ALSA SoC to make ALSA a bit more power-efficient: I think it does nice things like turning the audio amps off when there's no audio being...
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    Getting Started With Opengl Es

    For anyone who's interested... I've added OpenGL ES 2.0 support in Qt/X11. The "final" commit was on Friday, so if you download & build the nightly snapshots you should get it. I've tested it pretty well against the ImgTec emulation libraries. To build, make sure the ImgTec libraries are in...
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    Gallium3d Sgx Drivers

    I think I've managed to put all the pieces together and worked out the full story... There are 2 drivers for the SGX: The ImgTec driver and the Gallium3D driver. They are totally different code-bases - Tungston basically wrote a driver from scratch, for Intel. The Gallium3D SGX driver is, and...
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    Slim Ui/launcher

    I've been thinking about the UI again. As many have pointed out, having X or Qt/Embedded is way too heavy for the usecase where you power on and want to game ASAP. So, what's the alternetive? An ultra-slim UI/Launcher is perhaps the best option. Something with minimal memory requirements and...