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    The Humble Indie Bundle

    1 mill!!!
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    Protecting The Screen?

    yes, it has passed around this forums already alot times, try search is i thought it was something with archos or something
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    mithril they start flying tonight :)
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    Dear craig this is real life :) when something fails you abuse it. this is how money is made and time can be won. for example... dont paint the cases but just use the ash on it...
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    Pandora Order

    i put my ordernumber on ebay. if craig still realy wants it he can buy it for 500 euro :P
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    Today Is A Great Day!(Hopefully)

    lol dutch ppl are always so sentimental
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    Pandora Alternative

    New pandora alternative, no gaming buttons but comes with dvd-player commoreusa
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    Vga Cables And Pandora Carry Case

    if you have a mac you can use composite -> minidisplay converter, i asume you have those for the pc also
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    Painting Homebrew For Pandora

    Yay! nice app indeed! keep up the works!
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    Pandora Widgets/sidebar

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    Overclocking Test On An Cortex A8 Processor

    so is it capable to clock 1ghz? without problems?
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    Changes To Pandorapress

    i am certain there are no bugs in my macbook, i replaced the harddrive with an insect killer luring trap!
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    Changes To Pandorapress

    Loool created one for you! user : Volc4n00 pass 2x: "Volc4n00"
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    Changes To Pandorapress

    as this are just simple script kiddies, just create a email addy and send their prominent / boss a mail telling their login fails with a cookie savig url ^^
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    New Blog Post

    you see, i was right, my post got deleted for nothing :P
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    Ed Is Doing A Blogpost Now

    F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5
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    Starcraft Running On Omap3430

    Its funny, some posts below is the first post of a guy about starcraft, then he get flamed down, then another creates a new post about starcraft with visual proof, lets see how those flamers react this time...?
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    Running Starcraft On Wine?

    read it first yourself, flaming every first one with read this read that isnt going to make them read it. Instead be nice and ask them questions in wich they learn to search the answer them self. Some ppl have read the rules and conditions but havn't learned to read, think and check before...
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    Ok We Got Our Pics, What Now?

    And we are extreamly lucky! because europe as in what ED is covering is aprox 350 units, :D