I believe the SA-1 chip is the chip in games like Super Mario RPG that makes it much harder to emulate, will this be able to be emulated on the pandora?
Sorry if this was already talked about, I couldnt find it if it was
I personally do not give a **** how much it weighs. If you can give me 16 hours of battery life you will be a god! After carrying a Sega Gamegear for many years you start to not care about weight
I dont have the slightest clue, LETS USE ANDROID!!!!
Even if its not the official someone should so port that!
Ive decided i think the OS should be deb or android... there both awesome
I kinda doubt we will see any big names like Sega, Ubisoft, etc making games but I bet the makers of payback, and the guy who made Wind and Water, an tons of other small names will grab onto this platform
I agree that the size is to small but everything could be easily sized up. I know Gmail RSS Twitter are all wifi dependent but almost everywhere I go I have wifi but if you dont, put in apps that dont use wifi, simple :D
Also at the idea of a twitter plugin, I dont really use twitter but that...
It was ment to be all the plugins you want with your colors and everything so its real customizable. So if you want RSS you can have it or Gmail or whatever you want. That design was actually based off my google apps page :P
After 5 days of trying to register on this site I am finnally here with my crummy interface design!
Its the best I could do :P
I know it looks alot like one of the first ideas put up... but i liked that idea so I made my own
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