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  1. P

    I Need A Gadget To Tide Me Over Till The Pandora!

    my plan is to buy a ds lite w/ broken screen on ebay. its very possible to snag one for 30 or 40 bucks. a replacement screen can be bought for 15 bucks w/ free shipping. and the repair appears relatively simple, there are short youtube vids on how to do it, no soldering needed. so ill buy it...
  2. P

    Genre Of Homebrew Games You'd Most Like To See On The Pandora

    a 3d animal crossing-ish game would be really cool
  3. P

    Pandora Questions

    hey ive got a couple questions: -i know that the consensus on flash was that some basic flash content will be viewable, like youtube, but i want to know if hulu (video site) or facebook chat be possible? -will video wallpapers be possible? on an iphone video wallpapers really drain battery...
  4. P

    Mame Running On Pandora. Video(s) Inside.

    sorry, havent messed with mame emulation much in the past, so im really sorry if this is a stupid question: will this be able to run shooters like house of the dead?
  5. P

    L2/r2 Solder Pad Question

    haha you want to install an accelerometer to combat accidental presses? I always have the accelerometer turned off in pockettouch on my ipod touch because the slightest bump when im walking changes the song
  6. P

    Congratulations To Craig And The Crew

    well craig promised to fix any hardware problems (included in warranty), so i dont see what you are worried about. edit: and congrats to the whole crew, my preorders in, and I anticipate november greatly!
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    Pandora Wallpaper Thread.

    i have a question, will video wallpapers be feasible or would it eat the battery too much?
  8. P

    Dream Come True......finally!

    oh god i hope nulldc happens too... were all rooting for you drkIIraziel, hope you get a preorder in! :)
  9. P

    Firefox On Pandora

    this is sooo sick. thanks so much
  10. P

    Gbax Order Question...

    so by default, it will ship to the billing address? because thats fine with me
  11. P

    Gbax Order Question...

    i just preordered my pandora (yay!) with a tv-out cable from when it asked me to confirm the credit card info, the shipping adress and shipping zipcode were blank, although the billing address and zipcode were filled in. there wasnt any apparent place to fill in the shipping address...
  12. P

    Playstation Emulation

    second that. or any of the THPS games for that matter. and sound would be AWESOME
  13. P

    Megadrive On Pandora: Sound And Working Usb Joypad!

    this is awesome--- keep the good videos coming and i will definitely preorder! :)
  14. P

    Wii Controller?

    oh man assuming an n64 emu gets made, it would be so sick to play ocarina of time on the pandora with a wiimote...
  15. P

    Difficult To Code Mulit-player Emus?

    I would love this for gbc or gba sooooo much... to trade and battle pokemon obviously :P how feasible would this be, exophase? would it be possible to implement this functionality into something like a gpsp port?
  16. P

    Any Boot Animation Details?

    I think it should be similar to the gamecube's. not copying it of course, tho. I just think the gc had a great boot animation
  17. P

    Just Curious About Everyone...

    guys your wrong, the pandora is meant to be an aesthetically pleasing paperweight. you should reconsider buying one if you wanted to use it for anything like emulation or PDA applications :P
  18. P

    Gameboy Color Emulation

    oh yeah gameshark is a must have. Gotta get my surfing pikachu
  19. P

    Future Pandora's Owners : Where Do You Live ?

    saint paul, minnesota